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Fyorwyn is the capital city of Frostfire Province. It is located about a week's journey away from Rintivus. It is the hub of trade for the province, as well as being the location of Frothlyk Academium, the Rinti Confederation's oldest magical academy, which stands at the center of the city.   Fyorwyn is arranged in eight sectors based on the different schools of magic:  

Abjuration: The Abiurum

Both family Oetyga and Naurost have their consulates/house estates here. Major feature: the Pax Animi, run by the Oetyga family. This is the best shielded restaurant/meeting area/resort in the world, likely. It is absolutely secure. Many contracts are made here, valuables are stored here, and negotiations discussed here.  

Conjuration: The Incantamentum

Domus Pugnatori (the Pugnatori estate) here. The sector's main features are the Temple Prismatus, a single nice, but not lavish, temple to all the gods worshipped by the Prismatic Brotherhood. Close to the center of town in this sector is the Forum, where wealthy visitors stay, main shopping area, parks, etc.  

Divination: The Augurium

Houses Divitaem and Galadas have their estates here. The largest magic shop in the Confederation, Arcanum Sin Fine, is located here near the Academium, across the street from the Forum. In addition, there is a nice lodging area right next to Domus Divitaem. It is run by people from that house as a way of learning what is happening before anyone else knows it. It is surprisingly inexpensive compared to other places, at least the first night one stays (First night in Fyorwyn deal). After that, prices fluctuate depending on the quality of information the proprietors think they can glean.  

Enchantment: The Defixium

Domus Maerglyd and Domus Hylli are located here. Two main shops are here: Omnis Melius is best artificer’s shop in the Confederation (maybe in the world), run by House Hylli. Collectio Repertum is a quirky ancient artifacts shop where unique and rare discovered magical items are sold – some broken, some repaired, some ancient and working.  

Evocation: The Evocum

Domus Tonitrus is here. They run the Praeparatium, a military installation that partners with the Academium to teach wizards what they will need to know to be in the military. Wizards who want to be officers/specialize in war magic may spend most of their time here in their later years of school, but all students take at least one year of courses where they get basic military training and learn to incorporate magic with military tactics. As part of this, they spend one month of their training actually stationed in Fort Glacies. (The Praeparatium has a liaison Centurion from the fort who is in charge of the students when they’re there.)  

Illusion: The Praestigium

Domus Faventus is here. The other point of interest is the Theatrum Ostensium, where new experimental magic is tested and displayed, and where students/scholars can practice/test their work in a safe, contained area.  

Necromancy: The Necromantium

Domus Fraegr is located here. They run the Theatrum Potensium, which is the amphitheater for fights, sparring, magical duels. One-on-one and small teams combat for entertainment. Always busy, and they try to make sure no one actually dies.  

Transmutation: The Transumtatum

Domus Potentius is here. Also of interest is the Arbitrium – the legal center where the Senate meets and judicial cases are heard and decided. Civil guard is also located here, though they partner with the military that teach and work at the Praeparatium and nearby Fort Glacies.


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