The Hollowed

This article is a work in progress
The most terrifying consequence of Resonance overuse is becoming Hollowed - a fate many consider worse than death itself. These unfortunate souls, drained of their very essence, exist as empty shells of their former selves. Devoid of emotion, memory, and identity, the Hollowed serve as a chilling reminder of the delicate balance Resonants must maintain.   With vacant eyes and expressionless faces, the Hollowed move through life mechanically, their once vibrant spirits replaced by an endless void. This irreversible condition strips away not only their ability to wield Resonance but also the very qualities that made them human.   The tragic existence of the Hollowed raises profound questions about the nature of consciousness, the ethics of power, and the price of pushing beyond one's limits.

Malformed husks

As an individual succumbs to the Hollowing process, their body undergoes a haunting metamorphosis. Muscle tissue withers away, leaving behind a gaunt, frail form that seems barely able to support itself. The eyes, once vibrant windows to the soul, become vacant orbs, reflecting only an endless void where a spirited essence once dwelled. Their voice, once rich with emotion and inflection, degrades into a monotonous drone, devoid of any hint of personality or feeling. These physical changes are the outward manifestation of a profound inner emptiness, as the Hollowed exist in a perpetual state of detachment, mechanically going through the motions of life without purpose or passion.   The journey to becoming Hollowed unfolds in four distinct and increasingly alarming stages. It begins with subtle early warning signs: a creeping emotional numbness, difficulty focusing, and a weakening connection to The Wyrdweave. As the affliction progresses, intermediate symptoms emerge, including significant memory loss, debilitating physical fatigue, and a marked decline in Resonance abilities. The advanced stage brings severe personality shifts, leaving loved ones to witness the near-complete erosion of the individual they once knew. Finally, the irreversible transition occurs, resulting in a complete loss of self, a permanently severed connection to the Wyrdweave, and the final, grotesque physical alterations that mark the Hollowed.   Before reaching the final Hollowed state, individuals often become horrifically malformed, their bodies warped by prolonged exposure to Resonance's exotic radiation. These transitional beings are nightmarish to behold, with faces twisted into asymmetrical masks, limbs grown to uneven lengths, and skin marred by pulsating growths and lesions that seem to writhe incessantly. Their behaviour becomes erratic and unsettling, swinging wildly between frenzied Resonance usage and unsettling catatonic states. Other Resonants typically avoid these malformed husks, recognizing the terrifying lack of self-preservation that drives them to recklessly pursue Resonance until they are forcibly stopped or physically incapable of continuing.   The Hollowing process wreaks havoc on an individual's connection to the Wyrdweave, the cosmic web that empowers Resonants. In the early stages, their perception and interaction with the Wyrdweave's veins become unpredictable and chaotic. As the condition worsens, attempts to access the Wyrdweave result in agonising feedback, as if the cosmic forces themselves are rejecting the afflicted individual. The final, tragic stage of Hollowing sees this connection completely severed, leaving the Hollowed unable to perceive or interact with the mystical energies that once flowed through them, forever cut off from the source of their former power.  

Cultural Perspectives on the Hollowed

The perception and treatment of the Hollowed vary dramatically across different cultures and regions, reflecting the complex relationship societies have with Resonance and its consequences.
In some societies, the Hollowed are revered as living martyrs, seen as those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in pursuit of Resonance's power. These cultures often develop elaborate rituals and ceremonies to honour the Hollowed, viewing their condition as a form of transcendence.   Conversely, other cultures use the existence of the Hollowed as cautionary tales, stark warnings against the dangers of hubris and overreach in the pursuit of power.
In more superstitious regions, the Hollowed are feared and shunned, believed to bring misfortune or corruption to those around them. This fear often leads to isolation and mistreatment of the Hollowed and their families.   Adding to this complex tapestry of beliefs, certain fringe groups have emerged that attempt to communicate with or "awaken" the Hollowed, convinced that their empty minds hold the key to cosmic secrets. These diverse perspectives highlight the profound impact the Hollowed have on the cultural and spiritual landscape of the world.

The Perilous Allure of Wyrdweave Hot Spots

Proximity to Wyrdweave "hot spots" presents a dangerous temptation for Resonants, significantly amplifying their abilities while simultaneously accelerating the process of becoming Hollowed. These areas of intense exotic radiation are double-edged swords, allowing Resonants to achieve extraordinary feats of power but at a terrible cost.   The risk of overexertion and rapid progression towards the Hollowed state is greatly increased in these locations, leading to strict regulations and warnings surrounding their use. Despite the dangers, some reckless individuals deliberately seek out these hot spots, driven by a thirst for power or a misguided belief in their own invulnerability. The tragic consequences of such hubris serve as stark reminders of the volatile nature of Resonance and the fragility of the human spirit when faced with cosmic forces.

Impact across the ages

The Hollowed were viewed through a lens of fear and superstition, their condition often misunderstood and feared. Communities frequently branded them as cursed or possessed, leading to their isolation or outright banishment. This era saw the Hollowed confined to monasteries and churches, where well-meaning but misguided religious orders attempted to "cure" them through fervent prayer and elaborate rituals. In more pragmatic societies, however, a different fate awaited the Hollowed. Their lack of will and emotional detachment made them ideal for repetitive, menial labour. These societies exploited the Hollowed as a tireless workforce, viewing them as tools rather than the remnants of once-vibrant individuals.
Marked by rapid industrialization, the perception and utilisation of the Hollowed underwent a significant shift. The rise of scientific curiosity led to the institutionalisation of the Hollowed in asylums, where they became subjects of intense study. Researchers, driven by a mix of genuine scientific interest and morbid fascination, sought to unravel the mysteries of their condition. Simultaneously, the industrial machine found a new use for the Hollowed. Their emotionless state and tireless nature made them perfect for the long, gruelling hours demanded by factory work. Perhaps most disturbingly, during the unnamed war that marked this era, military strategists recognized the potential of the Hollowed in warfare. Their emotional detachment was seen as an asset in dangerous missions, leading to their deployment in situations where fear or hesitation could mean failure.
This era brought with it technological advancements and a deeper understanding of the Hollowed condition, ushering in a period of complex ethical debates. Specialised care facilities were established, focusing on maintaining the physical health of the Hollowed and providing them with a semblance of dignity. However, these advancements also sparked intense discussions about the nature of humanity and consciousness. Society grappled with questions of whether the Hollowed should be protected as vulnerable individuals or if their lack of self-awareness meant they were no longer truly human. Despite the ethical quandaries, or perhaps because of them, research into potential treatments or reversals of the Hollowed state intensified. Yet, despite the best efforts of brilliant minds and cutting-edge technology, a cure remained frustratingly out of reach.
The role of the Hollowed evolved in ways that would have been unimaginable in previous ages. Advanced neural interface technology allowed the empty minds of the Hollowed to be repurposed as living computers or data storage units. This development, while technologically impressive, reignited ethical debates about the exploitation of these individuals. In response, strict regulations were put in place governing Resonance usage, with the Hollowed serving as cautionary examples in educational programs designed to prevent future cases. Perhaps most controversially, as humanity reached for the stars, the Hollowed found a new purpose in space exploration. Their lack of emotional needs and immunity to the psychological toll of extended isolation made them prime candidates for long-duration space missions, pushing the boundaries of what it means to be human in the vast expanse of the cosmos.

Cover image: VISCERIUM by Me (Fall)


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Oct 1, 2024 22:04 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

This sounds like a terrifying condition. Except, not really, because I guess they don't know? I find it fascinating how different ages saw the Hollowed. The idea of using them for space exploration is so intriguing (but ethically questionable).

Emy x
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