WorldEmber '21 Pledge in VISCERIUM | World Anvil

WorldEmber '21 Pledge

This article is a work in progress
I pledge to write a minimum of 10,000 new words of worldbuilding in VISCERIUM during WorldEmber 2021. Due to the ammount of BBCode I include in every article, I aim to go at least 2,500 words over my 10,000 word goal.
Fall, Author

Content Goals


During WorldEmber, I would like to provide an article for each Nadir of Sin. Currently, they have a short summary in the previously linked article. So, I would like to provide them the detail they deserve.


During WorldEmber, I aim to create and develop at least 14 Underlings, 2 for each one of the 7 Nadirs of Sin. These will be the first of many demons that give flavour to the world.

Personal Goals

Revealing VISCERIUM on November 27th means I'll have a couple days before WorldEmber to finish up preperations and begin sharing the world to the WorldAnvil community in the hopes of building up a decent following of interested people.   As a result of the world being publicised, I hope to see some community engagement with the content that existst and the new content that will be produced during WorldEmber. This engagement, I hope, will improve my world building and encourage others to also "Go world build!".

WorldEmber 2021 Challenge  

My Progress   Below is a list of all the articles I completed during WorldEmber '21.    

Thoughts on my WorldEmber '21 experience

I completed WorldEmber '21 with 10,112 words, which is 2,388 words short of my personal 12,500 word goal. However, I've never competed in a word-count competition before or anything similar so this is still a massive achievement for me and I'm really grateful to everyone who helped me to reach 10,000 words this month!   Upon reflection, I've realised that 7 characters and 14 species is too much for me to complete in 1 month. I've averaged about ~750 words per article and without enough detailed prep, I struggled to draw out the detail of the characters. As such, I finished WE'21 with 6 of the 7 Nadirs published, missing out Envy. As well as a magic system, magical item, location, a "plant" and the framework for the 7 Zeniths.   I was quite stressed towards the end of the month and so for any challenges I take part in after this one, I'll make sure to pace myself better and do adequate prep.


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Nov 28, 2021 00:56

Good luck on your worldbuilding! Sounds like a really fascinating world and I can’t wait to see how it grows

Nov 28, 2021 11:36 by Fall

Thank you! Same to you also, I hope we're both able to achieve out goals during WorldEmber!

Nov 28, 2021 07:58

Best of luck and have lots of fun during World Ember this year! I'm looking forward to reading your work. :D

What do you want to discover in Computer Adventures?
Nov 28, 2021 11:37 by Fall

Thank you! Good luck to you also! I hope the upcoming content keeps you excited :D

Nov 28, 2021 11:03 by TJ Trewin

Excellent pledge! Good luck with your goal for WorldEmber this year :D you've got this!

Journals of Yesteryear

Nov 28, 2021 11:38 by Fall

Thank you, means a lot! Good luck to you also, I hope we're both able to smash our goals!
