Fef Lydell

The Infallible Fef Lydell (a.k.a. Fef)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Sloughed muscles, displaying the memory of a figure who once found great joy in his fitness. Slightly below-average weight.

Body Features

Long beard and hair, only maintenance of the beard being shaping. Hair is pulled back with some sort of oily substance, with a few strands from the front curving in front of his face stabbing into his eyebrow ridge.

Facial Features

Wide facial features with a sharp, hooked nose that dominates his face. Amber eyes with sharp, pointed ears. Wrinkles crease his forehead and the frame of his mouth. Noticably, he has no eyebrows.

Identifying Characteristics

Fef is missing his index finger on his right hand. He is missing one of his front teeth, but you notice that they are white and carefully cared for. In fact, his body looks painstakingly scrubbed and cleaned, his 8 1/2 fingernails carefully manicured and without a speck of dirt.

Apparel & Accessories

His clothes, as opposed to his skin, is rather uncared for. Where he would originally smell clean, the faint air of dried sweat and sulfur hangs around him. He wears a rather plain tunic, with the sleeves burned up to the elbows.

Fef is a Mad Qan Explorer who Conducts Weird Science. A "respectfully grandfathered" member of a secular society, Fef has been a little... cracked since a particularly arduous foray into the world. Eager to regain his standing in the foundation.

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Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Beet Red
135 lbs


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