Six Juggernaut Star

Six Juggernaut Star (a.k.a. 6)

Is he mysterious? Or does he just not share much? Or maybe there just isn't a lot TO share.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Appearance a mix between Hell Boy and an Alabaster Lord (Elden Ring), but younger and more meat on the bones.
Very tall. Like 7ft.

Body Features

Does not wear armor, only pants and shoes for decency and stability.
Skin made of stone acts as natural armor.
Desert evolution has led to very dark pigment to reduce temperature and moisture loss.

Facial Features

Pointed ears.

Identifying Characteristics

White hair, flat grey eyes.

Physical quirks

Skin appears black but is actually very dark purple.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Life of hardwork, hardship. Tested by the Sun, but also given life by the Sun.
Committed a great Sin.
Fled (Exiled? Banished? Or left of their own accord?) from their homelands.


Not classically educated, but not unintelligent.
Mostly learned in harsh condition survival, battle, tactics, and long distance expedition due to the nature of tribal life and warfare.
Peasant-hood in the tribe mostly meant manual labor, farming, hunting, and general day work. Not specialized in any particular field, so no specialized education.

Personality Characteristics


Redemption. Possibly.
He does not yet know if he has been blessed or cursed with Terrible Purpose.

Likes & Dislikes

A being of stone, he likes hard foods.


Contacts & Relations

The one who calms the beast. (Friends with Whisker).
New to the team, so not much friendship to be had as of yet.

Family Ties

Familial status unknown, but prospects seem unfavorable.

Religious Views

The Sun flourishes, and sterilizes.
The Creator. The Destroyer.
Dispassionate. Unerring. Unapologetic.

Social Aptitude

Seems to see the worst in every situation.
Does his best, but really just stays quiet and follows orders.


Though he knows he's in a completely different society than the one he has always inhabited, he still acts as if he never left home.
Sits where he pleases, sleeps where he must, and eats what is required.

Hobbies & Pets

Kind of likes cats.


Measured, steady. There is less time for talking, more time for working.

Wealth & Financial state

No need for money.
Utilitarian in nature.

Low born Peasant to a desert Fyldenn tribe. Blessed (Cursed?) by the God of the Sun (?) and bestowed a new name, Six Juggernaut Star. Does he fight for, or against, terrible purpose?

View Character Profile
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Peasant, Low-Born, common folk.
Heir (Socially, or to God's power?).
Heretic (?).
Date of Birth
The Desert
Current Residence
Qan territory.
Flat Gray
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
?? Heavy
Quotes & Catchphrases


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