

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Thin and lanky. To-Mas is fairly short and prone to bouts of weakness.

Body Features

Sea-Blue skin with ear-tips cut. Gaunt of face with dark circles under his eyes. He is draped in desert-wear, with a cowl covering his hairline. His skin has a reddish undertone to it, burned by the sun over his travels. He lacks eyebrows with a prominent eyebrow ridge, sharp nose, and sharp chin. His cheeks are gaunt and sunken in. No jewelry adorns his body, and he is dressed very plainly.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

To-Mas grew up in the Daona Valley, a rainforest nestled into the mountains. His culture was heavily focused on dreams and the lifeforms that existed there. This was through utilizing a plant called Dreamlace, a spindly hair-like fungus that grows only on Gloombough trees. The Dreamers use the Lace like incense, lighting the ends on fire and watching it burn as they inhale the smoke. This blurs the line between their physical body and the dream state, allowing them to exude greater control over the dream world inside their valley and keep the beasts that would prey upon their people at bay, as well as act an interference for Dreameaters. Outside of the valley, the surrounding population have utilized Dreamlace as a tea, which is highly sought after for its ability to loosen the mind, allowing for greater malleability of thought. This has led to a few small-scale interactions with the surrounding civilizations which have proven successful to those cities, placing greater demand on Dreamlace cultivation. This has led to a slight shift within the populace, promoting diplomatic exchange and the protection of the Dreamlace.


To-Mas was trained, briefly, in dreamwalking but never truly resonated with it. The art of Dreamwalking was through meticulous and patient manipulation of the dream world, as not to attract the attention of the Dreameaters or other predatory entities. While still relatively patient by outsider's perspective, To-Mas frequently found himself "making too many waves", and soon found himself working as an emissary for incoming merchants.


His talkative nature and impulsive actions found use as an emissary, meeting the ambitious merchants who wanted their stake in the Dreamlace. He acted as their guide and intermediary; his fluency in Qan aided in these interactions. To-Mas thrived in field, until one day he accidentally let slip his experience with Dreamwalking. That group then left, but came back with the goal of apprehending him to gather the secrets of Dreamlace agriculture. To-Mas and a close friend were seized, taken into slavery, where they then learned his experience with dreamwalking was limited. Using To-Mas as a galley slave, the slavers then turned their attention on his friend, using him as a way to counter Daona Lace trade. Though the details aren't disclosed, To-Mas escaped, and now searches for his friend.

Accomplishments & Achievements

To-Mas managed to escape through binding the shadow of his captor as his Shade. Typically, abusers of Dreamlace begin to hunger for dreams, turning into Dreameaters. This effect is even more potent when tampering with others dreams. For some reason, To-Mas was unaffected by this during his confrontation with his captor. This bond is still fresh and ill-understood, but To-Mas utilizes his new companion with an ease and familiarity that seems almost natural.

Mental Trauma

Strong dislike of galleys and ships due to his time in slavery. Prefers to make his own meals. Strongly dislikes wide-open spaces and being indebted to others.

Intellectual Characteristics

Curious, Creative, Adaptable, Open Minded.

Morality & Philosophy

To-Mas views the world as an ever-changing place full of surprises. He has long ago learned that you cannot impose order on the world; what you may percieve as an absolute truth is often a carefully crafted lie. Because of this To-Mas is quick to adapt to changes and tries to act quickly when faced with conflict: There is no point trying to plan out what will happen when the world may change at the drop of a hat.


Unwilling servitude, exploitation.

Binding a Shade is viewed as being taboo in Daona. Because of this, To-Mas is hesitant to go home, as it would be difficult to explain the lack of effect this acquisition had on him. Inversely, it could be that the elders know something more about this change.

Personality Characteristics


The Journey to Self-Mastery. Inspiring the character to respond to adversity as a journey of self-mastery, where they learn to navigate life's hardships with grace and courage.

An ex-slave who was separated from his people years ago. After awakening new abilities that freed him from subjugation, To-Mas searches for other survivors from his home.

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Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Qan, Daonan

The Temple

Middle One - Old God pointed towards courtyard. Has a spear. Doorlike arch relief. Spear with circle behind it. Diamond laid into the floor. Diamond has a circle on each of the points that are a meter across.   Right Room - Religious figure preaching towards congregation. Pointed towards statue in courtyard. Infinity symbol with rings.   Left Room - Mirror of Right Room, damaged, legs and rubble. Dress in rubble. (Dream) Stern look, feminine figure, strikes pose of command and austerity. One hand curled up as though to hold something. Strange headdress. Relief on the back of the wall in the weird circle.   Left hand side are 4 suns in a diamond pattern. Right hand side has a semi-circle that is bent inwards.   Figure holding aloft the sun. Disc with a sun-like emblem on it. Stands in a powerful pose. In front is a secondary statue with a throne. Sits a figure holding aloft a scepter.   Landscape is completely different. Mini metropolis.   Courtyard Statue   Statue in courtyard is buried.   Dream begins to form. Force it to form in the place where I fell asleep. Sketched out room in grays and blacks. Sun rising in the East. Neat pews.

The Journal Entry’s title

My skills are as follows:   Inspire Aggression - (2 intellect points) Your words twist the mind of a character within short range who is able to understand you, unlocking their more primitive instincts. As a result, they gain an asset on their might-based attack roles for one minute. Action to initiate.   Babel - After hearing a language spoken for a few minutes you can speak it and make yourself understood. If you continue to use the language to interact with native speakers you improve rapidly, to the point that you may be confused as a native speaker after just a few hours of speaking the language. Enabler.   Danger Sense (1 Speed Point) - Your initiative task is eased. Each time it is used. Enabler.   Fast Talk (1 Intellect Point) - When speaking with a creature that can understand you and isn't hostile you can convince that creature to take one reasonable action in the next round. A reasonable action must be agreed upon by the DM. It should not put the creature or its allies in obvious danger or be wildly out of character. Action.   Robot Assistant: A level 2 robot of your size or smaller (built by you) accompanies you and follows your instructions. You and the GM must work out the details of your robot. You’ll probably make rolls for it when it takes actions. A robot assistant in combat usually doesn’t make separate attacks but helps with yours. On your action, if the artificial assistant is next to you, it serves as an asset for one attack you make on your turn. If the robot is destroyed, you can repair the original with a few days’ worth of tinkering, or build a new one with a week’s worth of half-time labor. Enabler.   Robot Builder - You are trained in tasks related to building and repairing robots. For the purposes of repair, you can use this skill to heal robots that use similar technology. Enabler   Dreamcraft (1 Intellect Point) - You pull an image from a dream into the waking world and place it somewhere within long range. The dream lasts for up to one minute, and it can be tiny or fill an area an immediate distance in diameter. Though it appears solid, the dream is intangible. The dream (a scene, a creature, or an object) is static unless you use your action each round to animate it. As part of that animation, you could move the dream up to a short distance each round, as long as it remains within long range. If you animate the dream, it can make sound but does not produce odor. Direct physical interaction or sustained interaction with the dream shatters it into dispersing mist. For example, attacking the dream shatters it, as does the strain of keeping up appearances when an NPC moves through a dream scene or engages a dream creature in conversation for more than a couple of rounds. Action to initiate; action to animate.


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