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Elerìna Taiatual

Elerìna Taiatual

18 year old Moon Elf Star Whisperer (elen-lussa), on Selûne's star-guided path.

View Character Profile
Lawful Good
Silvery Grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair Medium Sapphire

Session 65 & 66

~ 11 Nightal ~ Silvanous opened a portal and created ents from the dead trees, who took Zygan back home into to Nature domain. The gods are aware of what we are doing, and our efforts are helping them. They were blindsided by Sune, who was allowed to run rampart for a very long time. Silvanous blessed Sara and asked her to be his champion in the war to come. The blightlands tower is a prison, and is most likely a prison of a god. We don’t know who it could be, if it’s a deity or demigod. We have a couple of ideas but need to do more research • The General is Tempus kid Ents took us back to the village. The town is fine when we got back, lost a few people but they are for the most part fine. • They are heading to Castleborn at dawn for four hard days ride for the trial Our airship went down in the fight. Airship is very damaged, crew is relatively unharmed. • Spell cannons are down, and the airship is down for a couple of days Deam Vision • Across the ocean, across a not healthy land, over a mountain range with volcanic to the stronglike tower. Approaching it from a slightly different angle. It’s not a tower, it’s more tree-like (petrified tree). Beating heart, another crack forks up the side of the tree. Red tendrils wisp out from the cracks   ~ 12 Nightal ~ Heading north-west, into the foothills. Not as dark as my forest, although it is a dense forest. The blight didn’t penetrate through the forest for some reason, can see where the blight scarred trees but didn’t kill them. It’s a very magical, fey-like forest. Red dragon is the closest dragon that came out, blue dragon off in the distance. And furthest away is another dragon. Dragons came from a home that sat above the clouds. The golden watcher watches above from the city above the clouds. When they left, they took the city and went to another plane (mostly likely a nature realm). • Silver dragons tend to walk among the humans, and taking human form and blending in • Brass respects might • Green eats anything

Session 64: At Dawn We Plan
10 Nightal

~ 10 Nightal ~

On the 3rd watch of the 9 Nightal, Sara, Vakil and I talked about:
Our impact after we kill the High Saint, we are starting a war with this attack. Should we send a message to Feyra and see if any druids from Centuris can aid us with the High Saint. Should we scry to Sara's dad to see if he is okay? Vakil gave us more infromation about the Golden Goddess.
Maybe some legendary being will come back and get me ungrounded as well .
— Sara

We decided to scry to Sara’s dad.
I see a male with blonde hair (matted and twisted), kneeling on the ground, hunched over and head bowed. He had is arms out with manacles around his wrists and heavy chains which pulled away to concrete square. The chains went to edges of the room and disappeared through the floor. He saw through the scrying invisibility, and I see another pulse of energy as he stiffens as golden energy drains from him into the chains. His cell has no windows, a heavy door with no bars. He begins to ask questions, "who are you, why are you watching" and his eyes begin to glow, which causes more energy to get immediately drained out. I tell him Sara, that I'm an ally. After he figures out that I'm not lying, he begins spewing questions about Sara being safe, how close is she, and if she's trying to go home. He finally says to tell her that he loves her, as he is unsure how much longer he can hold on. After this, he bows his head again.
Utilising the capabilities of the spell, I briefly investigated another cell and found a female with the same golden energy being drained from her. She looked to be more mummified, and at this point the realisation hit that we don't have much time to get to Sara's dad. On the other side of her Dad, I found the outside of the cell, which looks to be the prison within the Empire Stronghold, and he is on the ground floor. After looking at the stronghold map, we know the location of the prison. I went below the floor underneath Sara's dad, and found a crystal contraption where his golden energy was being drained into. There were multiple pairs of chains connected to the crystal contraption.
Out of game: we have the idea that the crystal contration is related to the Obsidan Nexus, as it is known to hold crystals of magical power.
Timeline Analysis
The events: Blightlands, Trinity Church started to take over Badiphure, Centuris Sinking, and dragon’s leaving the Archipelago, all occurred around the same time, where the battle between the gods - the One put down the false gods - occurred. There is a 300 year gap between the blight and the first appearance Sister of Pain.
The Golden Goddess
The battle of the Deep-dweller and the Golden Goldess occured after the dragon’s left - their magic is linked. The Deep Dweller siphoned off the power of the Golden Goddess deep in the sea as she was transforming the Archipelago. The Obsidian Nexus was created from the Golden Goddesses power, bashing up gainst the natural orders of the world. Now that the Golden Goddess is back, Lady Hanata informed Vakil the she was unimpressed that the borders were shut as she slept.
Lady Hanata told Vakil that he was blessed by dragons (by the Golden Goddess herself?)

Land outside Wealdstone a safe distance away, about a mile and a half’s walk. We land in a sparse open woodland that looks pretty normal. From here, we don't see any blight. As we are walking to the village, Sara sends a message to Feyra informaing her of what's happened and the possibility of aid. Feyra doesn't have access to druids yet, she will need to talk to her mum or the guardian. The closest access that the druids have is Blaenau. We reach the village, and walking through it appears like a standard village. Kids a playing in the street, people are walking through the town, carrying washing. We make our way to the inn where the lady behind the door tells us that there are no vacancies. We asked if they knew an Angelina Poppers, which she adamantly said no. I noticed something off about her, as if she was hiding something. Sara ethreal stepped through the walls into the inn, where Serena made her way to the back of the inn to the back door. She nearly got knocked out by the guard, but he hurt his elbow on the crates next to him instead. A blonde-hair, golden eyes, hair shaved down the sides half sun-elf opened the back door to see what was going on. Serena and Phil (the guard) made their way inside. Vakil and I followed as quickly as we could after hearing the commotion, finally figured out that the door was actually unlocked and we made our way inside. Sara let the siblings in through the front door. Inside the inn was set up much like a war room. Tables were pushed together, and on top was a map of the region and various dining implements (salt, pepper) used as indicators of movement. Around the table were an ecletic collection of people, mostly farmers and workers from the village or surrounds. d Nabala - firbolg d Roloris - red tiefling Human male - mid 40's Half sun-elf male - same facial structure as Angelina, possibly younger Dwarf
We inform the half sun-elf, which we figure out is d Angelina Poppers, of our intention and the information that we know. She doesn't trust us, still hesistent with what we know and who we claim to be. She has heard of us though, as word got around of us killing a black dragon. That trust declined more when Vakil mentioned Lady Hanata.
Angelina knows Jiko (Six), travelling with a group of people in black and blue (empire). Their boat got wrecked in a storm, and a bunch of dragonborn and empire (as well as a dragonborrd in black and blue as well), and when told to leave, refused. Lord Amori (a black dragon kin) was among the group and from reports said he was on business from the Archipelago. A summit is being called in six days, where all the prominant figures from the Confederation will meet up to trial both Lord Amori and Jiko. Angelina invited us, and Vakil informed her that he will represent Jiko and the Archipelago.
Angelina took us to the edge of the blight, and told us more about the way it moves. It is resistant to regenerative and earth-like magic, returning back to its unnatural state in seconds. Channeling energy doesn't work either, as once any ritual is finished it returns back. We made our way back to the inn to begin preparations. We noticed when leaving and coming back, the villagers were different from how we saw it when first coming in. People were gearing up, grabbing weapons and preparing themselves; no one was idling or doing chores. The kids we saw weren't kids. From their map, based on the most recent reports of people who can survive the disease, they have the location of the current High Saint's camp. From there, the estimated time it could take her to get to the village could be as soon as one day, or best case scenario four days. Near Blaenau, the closest activity is in Lanicrest. If we need to send the airship to there, we'd have to avoid there.

Session 63 - Airships
8 Nightal - 9 Nightal

~ 8 Nightal ~

Sister of pain estimated to hit Weldstone in about a week. After organising the potions, we returned to the ship where the King and Captain had made discussions. Three new crew joined the ship crew per request of the King. d Master gunner, Luwella (Lulu) Ashbow, highest honour in arms within the King’s military. Don’t trust her with secrets; Chiefmate Oravim Windheart, and Deckhand Alok Mountainborn, the half elf we stood up for when entering the city. t Dred Gottoth, Dwarves fortress at the border, is where Lulu brought a report back. Blight creeping further across, more refugees that make it tell stories of someone poisoning everything that she touches (High Saint). Moving through the forest towards Weldstone (Trading Post).

~ 9th Nightal ~

Watch Serena get trained by Vakil at the crack of dawn so she gets more awareness during a fight (after the last fight where she ditched an unconcious Vakil). Had a meeting with party and crew to discuss our movement into Oswana. Organised hammocks for the ship, food, and split off to prepare.   $ Got the vials of Pain Relief - Neuro-Fan (11 vials), 8 vials of potion resistance, and 1 sleeping potion (which very promtly got returned). $ Asters spells and scrolls - got the gilded acorn and a crystal ball. Is a good shop to go too when we have a lot of money ($$$), has spells scrolls, tomes and all things components.   Vakil astral projected to his Lady and debriefed her on what has transpired. She informed him that the Golden Goddess is awake (the ancient gold dragon) and that dragons are returning back to the material plane soon. The consequences of this is yet to be determined.   Finished up and went back to the ship. King christened the flying ship, where Vakil named it Star Shadow. As we were leaving, Ryder nearly didn't join us. He is afraid of what we are going into, with the likelihood that we may not return. Serena (and the rest of the party) convinced him, saying that running away is something she's done her whole life, and is not the solution. He has a chance to make a difference. For now, he is staying, but after Weldstone he might be leaving our path.   After settling in and starting our travels, showed Vakil to his new pet (hehe). Sara used the Scale of Sending to Keejunt Rúick Gaston, head of the Abberants, informing him of the Golden Goddesses awaken and to make a request for information to determine where they had left from in the first place. He wasn't too impressed, as apparantly he isn't an encyclopdia, but we might be able to figure out more of the dragons intentions when they return. Casted Divination , and got the omen that a path is never set in stone. Our intel is correct and as far as we know, the High Saint will be hitting Weldstone within 7 days. Whether or not she catches wind that we are coming, or something else happens, may change that timeline. Goal is to find the resistence leader. Wake up arriving in Weldstone in the new day at the start of the next session (~ 10th Nightal ~)


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