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Seven (Vakil)

Seven (Vakil)

I was the seventh servant to come into Lady Temari Hanata’s possession. My parents had a debt to pay. They had to pay it somehow. I was not like my parents. They were human, and sometimes I guess I was not, my hair is black with silver patch through it.   image by OliverSt1993 on deviant art

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall muscular and well toned. That of a swordsman

Identifying Characteristics

A scar on my left knee from where a sharp rock cut me as I saved Six from the cliff   A scar over my right eye, I was trying to practice with One’s katana before I was ready (I was 8 years old), my balance was incorrect. When I cut myself I ran to Two crying. There was blood everywhere! She screamed thinking all the blood on my face was more serious than it actually was, everyone came running and a lot of fuss was made. And here was me, this little human child, crying afraid of getting in trouble, blood snot and tears all over my face. All for a tiny little cut.   Six and I were 12 years old. Sparring, Eight and I had just been caught the previous day trying kissing. Needless to say Six was really mad that day, He was reckless and during the sparring match he didn’t pull his blade as quickly as he should have and cut me on the left shoulder down across my back. In freezing cold weather it does start to feel tight.   A scar across the back of my left hand - I dont remember how I got that one

Personality Characteristics


Respect, Duty, Loyalty and Honour


Contacts & Relations

Lady Hanata – a Bronze Dragonborn with Wings and a Tail, was recently promoted due to the failure of Lord Omori. Now our household has moved and our Lady Hanata is to ensure its safety.   One – Lead body guard, Veteran and unquestionably loyal   Two – Head house keeper, stern and motherly to the children that enter the household. Used to sneak extra slices of meat to Seven when he was a child   Three – Body guard, Quick to anger and always in the company of One. The two are firm friends   Four – Older Slave, treated with respect by all in the household, responsible for training the rest and He has crinkles at the side of his eyes when he smiles.   Five – House keeper, very friendly but very much a gossip, you know the type   Six – Bodyguard, my best friend, a few years older than me but we grew up together here. Always getting himself in trouble though, was always talking about his parents when we were children and about how one day he would escape and go back to them. A green Dragonborn, with no wings, no tail, no breath. Ever impetuous and chafing at the system of our home. One night he vanished, believed to have run off before his debt was paid.   Eight – Scullery maid, was a human girl around my age. She arrived not long after me. Once when we were 12 we got caught trying out kissing. One and Two made sure we were punished for that. I always remember she smelled nice though. Like vanilla cakes.   Nine – Cook, a recent addition to the family since Lady Hanata’s Rise. She is responsible for ensuring everyone is fed. Lately the food has been amazing

A mysterious warrior who follows a code of honour on a mission to bring his friend home

View Character Profile
Lawful Good
Drong Finrai, on the island of Crela
Silver or Green
Black with a shock of silver
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6 ft 4
Quotes & Catchphrases
Widoa Ganthric - Consorts balls


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