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Session 0 Report

General Summary

Short summary


The Warrior, the Angelkin and the Acolyte of Redemption

  We see a giant of a man aboard a ship crossing the ocean. His body full of muscle and covered in hard scaly skin, Nagini Serpentus confidently looks out over the ocean. While looking into the distance he sees clouds gathering and not long after the ship is in a full-on storm. As the ships crew runs around to prepare for the not-so-naturaly-looking storm he still stands unphased and smiles.   The storm turns into a maelstrom of wind, rain and unrelenting lightning strikes as the crew hunkers down in all their might. While they seems to fight for their lifes the giant flexes his muscles and holds on like this is a mere daily chore. Even when the ship's mast splits in half by a lightning strike he still stand strong. Eventually the ship cannot hold any longer and goes down while we see Nagini grab a big piece of wood and floats off into the storm.   The morning after we see a dwarf wake up from an intense sleep as his face is drenched in sweat. We see a holy marking on his shield as he quickly jots down what he saw in his dream. Garthson of Clan Durrow is a palladin of Lunastus and regularly receives messages like this from his god through visions but they are hardly ever straight forward. Kneeled down next to him is an already awake Aleph Aleiri, packing up his sleeping equipment. As Garthson explains what he saw in his vision Aleph nods with a pondering face but cannot seem to find anymore insight. As they gather their things and move further down the coastline they see sign of a shipwreck. A body shredded by sea creatures and many wooden parts of the ship makes them believe nothing survived the violently storm. But eventually they see a man fighting with a giant crab and jump to the rescue. It appears to be Nagini Serpentus as they learn when they fight of the crab and a second one that arrived shortly after.   After Nagini tells them his story of his journey from his homeland towards a new beginning Garthson and Aleph decide to escort him back to their main lands to help him start a new life.  

The Scout and the Ablazed Woodsman

  Elven scout Milos Wildbane has made camp with his squad in the Wetlands swamps when they are attacked in the night. As he is awoken in pitch darkness by fellow team member Elmar he peers into the darkness before seeing Elmar shred to pieces in front of his eyes. As panic ensues Milos aptly dodges several attacks but gets separated from his squad and his best friend, fellow team member Liantaor. As Liantaor suddenly reappears and tells him to run to get help Milos get struck down and falls into a rapid river.   Ending up going downstream he is eventually found and rescued by the wandering Druid Thorduz Tortsj. Just when Milos is getting out of the river they get attacked by a territorial Giant Frog. After exchanging some verbal and non-verbal attacks Thorduz is eventually able to scare the frog off with his druid skills. Being the friendly Druid he is Thorduz decides to help Milos to get to the nearest town.  

The Meetup

  Both groups eventually meet in the small town of Sutwood as they travel towards the nearest tavern. As both settle at a table an overly enthousiastic older gentlemen by the name of Adrik Irongull approaches them to welcome them and exchange adventuring stories. As it turns out he was an adventurer too in his old days! Although a bit unsettled by this extrovert approach at first both groups eventually agree to talk when they are offered a free meal.   As Adrik goes on and on about his adventures of old he finally drops something that grabs the attention of the people at the table. A winged creature has been stalking the towns farms and has attacked their animals on more then one occasion. The villagers feels unsafe and even though they are tight on money are willing to offer a more then fair sum of money if someone can take care of their problem.   The group exchanges names and agrees to work together to tackle the town's problem.   After quickly scouting out some nearby frogs to smear their arrows with poison they quickly head out of town to track the creature.   When reaching further beyond the town's borders they come across one of the attacked farms. A desperate farmer explains what he saw from the creature and pleas for them to save them as he exclaims "We cannot get out of our houses!".   Following the tracks from this fresh attack Milos Wildbane is able to lead the group further into the forest. As they move on for about an hour the group comes across an attacked merchant with claw marks on his back. He points to an open spot in the forest a bit further down the road where he claims to have been attacked.   As the group prepares to move on we end the session.... what comes next for our mashed group of wannabe hunters?

Character(s) interacted with

Terrors of the Boroughian Wetlands
Aleph Aleiri
Thorduz Tortsj
Nagini Serpentus
Milos Wildbane
Garthson of Clan Durrow
Report Date
22 Jan 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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