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Arcane Water


  Mana has the ability to saturate most materials. In particular, water absorbs Mana readily. Around Pylons, Mana is especially concentrated. That added concentration makes it so the waters around the Silliicey homeland are something a little more than simple water. This Arcane Water allows those who harvest it access to a powerful boost to their abilities. Arcane Water is a boost item that allows drinkers to perform magical abilities beyond their normal aptitude.  


  The effects of Arcane Water appear in one or more of three areas: boosted output, boosted absorption, boosted limits.  

Boosted Output

  When a mage's output is boosted, it enables the caster to push more Mana through their bodies faster than they normally could. This enables a caster to rapid fire spells, or they have the ability to charge and release a more expensive spell at a greatly accelerated pace. This type of boosting normally costs the Mage a great deal of both magical and physical fatigue, but Arcane Water enables a Mage to use such aggressive casting paces without fear of wearing out until after the Arcane Water has left their system.  

Boosted Absorption

  Boosted Absorption makes it so a Mage has the ability to recuperate from intense magical exertion by increasing the receptivity of their Mana Circuits. This increased receptivity enables the Mana Circuits to absorb Mana incredibly quickly. Mana users also take advantage of the enhanced absorption to build up their Mana reserves in preparation for aggressive casting or as a recovery tool after an expensive arcane battle. In either case, enhancing Mana Circuit absorption usually requires intense concentration, but with the help of Arcane Water, a Mage has the ability to passively boost their Mana absorption rates.  

Boosted Limits

  Magi have an upper and lower limit to how much Mana they use. Arcane Water lowers the bottom floor, so Magi need less Mana in their system to start casting. In essence, Arcane Water makes it where Magi need less pressure from their Mana Reservoir to fuel their casts. On the other end of the spectrum, raising the ceiling makes it where a Magi can safely consume excessively more Mana than their otherwise could (at least safely). Under normal circumstances, such casting requires access to artifacts that modify the Mana Reservoir to either boost the ceiling or lower the floor, but not at the same time. Without Arcane Water, Magi are unable to boost both limits at the same time, but with Arcane Water in their system, Magi have the ability to boost both limits concurrently.  

Harvesting and Preparation



  Thankfully, harvesting Arcane Water is a relatively simple process. All that's needed is a glass container with a lid, and the willingness to confront the boosted creatures that live within the Arcane Waters itself. As far as shape or quality of glass, the only thing that really matters is that the glass is clean. Dirt or even finger prints can make it where the Arcane Water is unable to maintain its charge in the glass. Those impurities in the glass make it where the Mana embedded within the Arcane Water simply flows out.  


  Preparing Arcane Water involves boiling and condensing the Arcane Water into well cleaned containers. Boiling the water removes any impurities in the water itself, and condensing the Arcane Water into a well cleaned glass makes it where the glass is not going to interfere with the maintaining of the Arcane Water's charge. While the process is simple, ensuring the physical water stays at an even temperature. If the water is over boiled, that adds enough Fire Mana into the Arcane Water that it will lose its charge, but under boiling the water will make it so the water won't boil at all.
Sweet then Salty
White Outer Layer with Blue Core
Boiling / Condensation Point
230 F / 80 F
Melting / Freezing Point
42 F / 24 F
Common State
Magical Liquid


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