Vegso Kia

Founded originally in the 1st Era of the year 234, Vegso Kia, orignally named Kia started as a small mining village with a split dwarven and human population. for the first 30 years its population remained low only a few hundred at its peak. most of the people were small families and mining guilds with most of the town's services aimed at servicing the miners, with several smiths taking post in the budding town. the town also had some small farms to feed the people in the town however they relied on imports of grain until the rise of the Vegsian Kings changed things. Kia's entire economy relied on it's mines which consisted of high iron Magnetite which alone brought in a lot of money and began a boon time for the city. the early mines and until the 1st century of the 2nd Era were bringing in gold and silver. after Miners the most meavily employed occupation was Prostitution as many of the men from the mining guilds were lonely without families. this eventually created a split in the community as the Dwarves frowned on the behavior being so open and hurting the more traditional family values. these smaller disagreements eventually led to actions within the city governmnet which aliented the human miners which were begining to threaten the dwarves who were realizing that the human population was growing faster than theirs and was already out numbering them. the humans in Kia in an effort to reclaim what they saw as their city formed around Telgian Vegsian. he became a symbol for hte people to rally around and they drove most of the dwarven families out of Kia and rebuilding the city around a new castle where they named Telgian the first King of Vegso Kia.