Belkalo Disaster

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Natural Disaster

year 3095, 6 years ago

Overview & Context

The Belkalo disaster is so named after the storm and the aftermath it caused all along the northern coast of the Republic of Tory and Republic of Karsla. While one of the worst storms in both Republic's history, the Ports and major cities that were hit were primarily Zhu'Myak territory even though Tory is considered to be owned by Pra'Stazrach and Karsla is Pra'Haje. The common vnou will have, at the time, seen it as a great failing of their respective governments since neither Pra'Stazrach nor Pra'Haje mobalized to actually help the coastal cities. They cited inland concerns and outlying areas as affected and in need of aid, even though it was the coastal cities that were hit the hardest. That left it to a crippled Zhu'Myak to tend to their own ruined cities and from unsolicited aid from Pra'Viyk.  

The political grandstanding and manuvering behind this disaster soured Zhu'Myak to both families, ( Pra'Stazrach and Pra'Haje ), who both likely relied on the disaster to permanently cripple the primarily maritime nobility whose power and population resided in coastal cities across the planet. While losing so much in one disaster did not completely ruin Zhu'Myak, this was one of their lowest periods of time and, if any of the families would've mobalized in a more concerted effort, they might have actually been destroyed.  

One of the biggest factors that prevented any noble family from moving against Zhu'Myak during their weak moment was the involvement of Pra'Viyk and Sid'Shrie. The quick response time of the saintly Pra'Viyk Mission and the influx of Sid'Shrie supplies and wealth kept the other families at the periphary. The involvement of these influential families have also meant that the events of the disaster have not entirely been wiped from history and many, especially those along the coastal port cities, have a reflexive distaste and distrust of the inland governments.

Fall out & Present Day

What is remembered

While the common vnou in the coastal cities might not recall the extent in which they relied upon the foreign aid provided by the Mercy Cathedrals or the influx of supplies and monetary support from the odd but wealthy benefactor Serynd'iav, they still know that it happened. Zhu'Myak has not let their aid or the lackluster support of the interior governments be forgotten. This has manifest as a culture of devil-may-care when it comes to a lot of law enforcement and governmental oversight in the large port cities overseen by Zhu'Myak. Notably, though, the Mercy Cathedrals are always untouched and unmolested and the carefree, wealthy sort are always welcome. The ports, common vnou or otherwise, have cultivated a culture of disdain for too much governmental oversight. Which is incredibly counter to the highly bureaucratic nature of the vnou populous.  

Noble Relations

The relations strained have not improved since the Belkalo disaster. Both Pra'Stazrach and Pra'Haje have seen a spike in shipping prices out of port cities, resulting in an adjustment of their own supply lines. Conversely, it is almost common courtesy amongst ship Captains to allow any from the Mercy Cathedrals free passage if they've the space and they're all too happy to work with Sid'Shrie smugglers. This flexibility with the rule of law and general disdain for law enforcement has put Zhu'Myak at odds with Sid'Blemang, if only because they have run into them often at court if it ever gets that far, and Zhu'Thlach, as that family tends to oversee general populous law enforcement. Zhu'Myak is also more apt to forgive any low-grade crime against the other noble families, especially if it means pirating their shipments when they're found in open water. Any company that works for Pra'Stazrach or Pra'Haje is fair game.  

Coastal City Reconstruction

Though the initial damage was seemingly insurmountable, with thousands of casualties across 9 cities, the reconstruction effort backed by both Pra'Viyk and Serynd'iav made the process smoother. Not exactly faster, but their aid provided places to stay for homeless vnou, food for the hungry, and water since the infrastructure for those cities had been compromised. While it was a sham that the governments did not respond to the aid request, it was bittersweet and inspiring to see the aid from unlikely sources arrive to help and ensure that the casualties did not rise from the initial devastation. Though the cities suffered, they did rebuild and improved their coastal ports to better handle any storms that might hit. None have been as bad as the Belkalo disaster - both in part to the new city designs and over-all preparedness of the populace.  

Cover image: by Jason Wong


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Jul 5, 2023 22:24

Yeeeesss give me juicy family conflict. Can totally imagine pirate-Myak trash talking Stazrach XD

Jul 6, 2023 16:36

Now put one or two from every family in one room... >> heeee

What would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark?
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