Cemetery Preservation Program Specialist

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There will be content here in the future. This article was created as a placeholder and referenced in another. While there is nothing here at the moment, there will be content eventually. <3
Under the guidance of the Cemetery Preservation Program Coordinator

Job Summary

This is the job title given to vnou who work in a large region, or city. They assist with the development and implementation of cemetery program guidelines, procedures, polities, rules, and regulations - interfacing with other public or private officials and representatives on behalf of the Cemetery Program. They work beneath the Cemetery Preservation Program Coordinator as the spokesperson and supervisor for their region, submitting reports and requests for funding where applicable.  

It is ultimately the Cemetery Preservation Program Specialist's job to ensure that their land is both maintained, staffed, adheres to regional guidelines, as well as complies with cultural rites and rituals  


  • Previous work experience as a Grounds Maintenance Worker, Family Service Advisor, Groundsman, Crematory Operator, Cemetery Manager, Funeral Service Associate, Groundskeeper, and/or Cemetery Crew Leader
  • High School education
  • Family association desired but not required
  • Connected desired but not required
  • Career Progression

    Cemetery Preservation Program Specialist is one of the higher titles in the profession in relation to the funeral services. There are a couple of advancements that can be made, specifically steps up into Coordinators between Specialists or State Spokespersons. Many titles above this will become regional or government dependent.  


    While this is a profession with a lot of job security, it isn't one that is highly coveted by many. Especially because of its association with death and funerals. Though it pays suitably well and has a certain prestige amongst certain circles, specifically amongst the Sid'Chiengie. In some areas where the Cemetery Preservation Program Specialist might struggle for funding or backing in governmental bodies, they'll find support in this particular vnou nobility.  


    The care and management of the dead is a necessity - thus this job is incredibly secure though it isn't exactly an expanding field. Some of the lesser positions in the field - such as Cemetery Manager or Funeral Service Associate - may increase in demand depending on the population of an area, but there will only ever be one Specialist for a region.  


    The Cemetery Preservation Program Specialist and its related world-wide titles are born out of the vnou's nobility attempt to make sense of the chaos that is the Sid'Chiengie and their service to the world at large. The family was codified at the Reconstruction almost through reluctance, where many other families admitted their reliance on Chiengie to fulfill a necessary service many simply had no interest in. It is for this reason that Sid'Chiengie and many funeral related professions enjoy a sort of necessary recognition and base line respect amongst the other vnou nobility and seem propped up in other places where their services might not otherwise survive, were they dependent on the local population alone. Sid'Chiengie enjoy an honorable mention when it comes to the names of nobility for vnou but they have been included, if only so that the other vnou families have someone to call to handle such affairs for their Fa or the common vnou in their area.  

    Historically, Chiengie is a large collection of vnou families that have tended to the death rites and care of the deceased across the planet. It was only during the Reconstruction that there became any sort of cohesion amongst them and, when forced, they were united one name. The most fringe amongst them became Fa. The Cemetery Preservation Program Specialist is one of the more bureaucratic and recognizable titles amongst the Chiengie, a title suggested by the vnou nobility at large to give them someone to interface with rather than just a name.  


    Arguably, amongst the noble vnou, it is only the Specialist and those of a similar title that have any legal standing. Much of the work done through this particular job then becomes entirely cultural and regional - where some areas prefer cemeteries, others might prefer crematories. It is up to the Specialist to coordinate the compliance with regional guidelines when dealing with the care of the deceased, to include with funeral arrangements and procedures. Land management, staffing, funding - all of this flows through the Specialist and down whatever regional bureaucratic system is in place. Noble vnou, to include Fa, will not deal with anyone beneath a Specialist.  

    Common Vnou

    To the Common Vnou, the Cemetery Preservation Program Specialist is just another title in a giant bureaucratic system of nonsense. Most will never see them, will never hear the title, or have anything to do with them. Rather, they will deal one-on-one with funeral directors, doctors, and hospitals when it concerns their deceased - depending on their cultural customs. Such convoluted titles and attention to the nobility, high class, or wealthy will seem like preferential treatment. It is one of the rare instances of the duality of their world that it isn't so much the case, so much as they're just treated different. The noble vnou treat death like an inconvenient affair to be dealt with by another while common vnou expect a much more personal touch, which Chiengie and those associated provide.  

    Cover image: by Jason Wong


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    Dec 18, 2023 21:50

    Hi I’d like to work as a Sid'Chiengie please and thank

    Dec 19, 2023 16:44

    A fun mix of vnou nobility and chaos 8D

    What would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark?
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    Jan 16, 2024 13:31 by Marc Zipper

    Very cool to hear about how the cemetery gets it funded and how the organization is done. Love the fact that you put in there between cultures and governmental factors what they can and can't do.

    Let's have fun creating the impossible, building new worlds, and all types of possibilities. Valcin