Finding You

This is a WIP
There will be content here in the future. This article was created as a placeholder and referenced in another. While there is nothing here at the moment, there will be content eventually. <3
Nothing about Riseenu's bonding had been traditional, or normal. He'd been a nobody living in one of the scattered villages in the bamboo. Born to a small family, he'd been quite content with the path his life had seemed to carve out. He would grow up in the village, alongside the handful of children that he'd grown up playing with, and from them he would likely find his Bya.   That was another thing. Riseenu had never imagined that he would be the receiver. The Bya. As a Shra-Dez, he'd been one of the more powerful people in the small village. Not that it was something he'd flexed or used against others, it was just a measure of who he was and who he might be drawn to. Shra wasn't a thing that meant anything more where he grew up. He had a designator because every vnou did but that's all it was.   No one in the village bothered with formal names and, if hard pressed, Riseenu hadn't been able to really tell how to construct one. They'd seemed overly complicated for no reason. And there'd been paperwork involved, which was laughable. Their village was remote, receiving trade once a year. He hadn't even seen any strangers the entire time he'd grown because the small trade caravans just didn't interest him.   The world beyond his bamboo forests didn't matter.   When a caravan arrived out of season, it was an affair. People turned in early from the water fields and gathered in the small village clearing. The horses and pack animals were required even now since there were no real roads up to them. It was a well worn joke that anyone who tried to bring a vehicle up to them was a real fool, not to be taken serious.   But the amount of horses... It was like the village was being invaded. The amount of men in black and metal, with more blades than he'd been able to comprehend existed... He had really thought at the time they *were* being invaded until one of the primly dressed men announced that they were just there on tour.   Whatever that meant.   There were three that stuck out. Two because they were a clash and splash of bright color amongst the black and metal clad escort. Pastel lace and veils covered one of the women who was escorted by a brown haired man who was inked in wrapping, twisting designs that he couldn't really follow. Every time he looked, there was more to the picture. Leaves, vines, animals, bones... It was like the man was trying to fit as many things in the collage of art...   Then there was an imposing one is layers of black. His long black hair had been pulled up high with some of it framing his face. He could've mixed in with the others but there was just something... The glasses perched on his narrow nose made his entire expression seem sharp. The man looked... bored, he might've guessed, but his light brown, golden gaze swept over the crowd that had gathered. Too observant to be really bored. Was it an act?   The man in color was speaking too quick, his arm around the waist of the pretty blonde in lace while they wandered the perimeter of the village center. People moved subconsciously away from them. They were strangers, no matter how much they kept saying they were there to be friendly. We just want to take a look around, maybe meet everyone.   Riseenu was vaguely aware of the words but it didn't really register as the man in all black who had yet to get off of his horse finally looked at Riseenu. A chance meeting of their eyes and the world quieted around him. Narrowing his focus. He might've stopped breathing. Those golden brown eyes narrowed just a little and he felt the pull. A very conscious tug. 'Come here.'   Not a command but he wanted Riseenu and... And he saw no reason to deny him. Why would he, when Riseenu wanted to go to him?   He bumped into a couple of the other villagers in his trance-like approach. Paying no one else any mind. If the crowd quieted, he didn't notice. Nothing else mattered.   < What is your name? >   He'd yet to say anything aloud. It was considered incredibly rude to have such a conversation around others and exclude them but Riseenu got the sense that this man operated under his own sort of rules. < Riseenu... What are you really doing here? >   The man actually smiled. Or, what counted as one for him. A corner of his mouth lifted though it did nothing to soften his expression and he slid from his horse. Without looking away from Riseenu, he addressed the two splashes of color amongst his escort. "I've found what I want. Set up camp. We'll stay here tonight."   The pale blonde in lace moved closer to Riseenu, peering at him with a too sweet smile, before she laughed softly. She had words for the apparent leader of the caravan but it was too quiet for Riseenu to hear.   < She's reminding me it is proper to wait. > Like he knew, like he could sense the question bubbling along the surface. < My name is Dynaechoor. Show me to your parents. >   The world clicked back into focus and Riseenu actually swayed, sucking in a sharp breath. Bewildered, for a moment. Having to remind himself that he wasn't alone. That it was still in the middle of the day and that, after a quick look around, there were a lot of very familiar faces looking at him with concern. He managed a smile before half turning, intending to lead Dynaechoor to his parents.   Everything happened so quick after that. The well dressed, uniformed man who had just rode into his village declared his intent to have Riseenu. One of his attendants produced paperwork that was, frankly, beyond anyone in the village. It was only after a small nod from Riseenu that his parents fumbled through the signing process.   It felt like a dream. An odd, surreal experience that had him hugging both of his parents and excusing himself to retire to a large tent with a stranger. A stranger that he felt he should be around.   "I can't just leave them..." he'd eventually managed as they were left alone in the large tent proper. The sun having set and the work day over. There was still the unfamiliar sounds of strangers, their conversation and horses all around. So much noise in such a small village. Their fires cast more light then all the little lamps and candles than the homes.   Dynaechoor had sat on the only wide cot available, looked him over, and simply declared, "You will."   Looking back, Riseenu should've put up more of a fuss. Not really a fight, because there was no fighting Dynaechoor... But he'd always felt guilty about leaving his parents in such a way. As quickly as the caravan had rode in, they were leaving the next day. Whisking Riseenu away from the small village and from the life he thought he was going to have.   It was all so scattered.   No one would talk to him but he didn't get the impression it was from disdain, but fear. No one wanted to bother someone that Dynaechoor was invested in. He'd not known, at the time, why. Obviously Dynaechoor was important - he was told the man was nobility! - but those sorts had always been portrayed as daft and pretty. Not... scary.   Riseenu didn't think he was scary.   They'd not had a proper conversation until they'd actually arrived at a real city. So many people, so much all at once. It'd been so overwhelming at first. Too much noise, so much to look at. They'd had to turn in horses, gather up more supplies, and both he and Dnyaechoor were corralled into a larger, black vehicle of the likes he'd never seen.   Inside, though, it was cool and quiet.   < I am sure it is a lot to get used to, > Dynaechoor had soothed. The sound of him eased the tension in Riseenu's shoulders and neck, chasing away the headache that had begun to blossom.   < I'd never left the village... > He'd meant it as an excuse. Why he'd been stumbling over himself and useless when it came to processing everything.   Dynaechoor's hand had settled along his knee while his attention turned out one of the dark, tinted windows. A wordless comfort. Riseenu hadn't meant to but he'd eventually fallen asleep in the spacious, dark vehicle. Leaning against the stranger that had taken him from his village home.   The early years of their relationship were quiet. Riseenu couldn't exactly say but he felt tucked away. Removed. Dynaechoor was frequently gone, off on some manner of work, but that didn't mean he was actually away. They conversed every day, primarily in the morning when Dynaechoor would wake him, sporadically throughout the day, and then before he eventually went to sleep.   There were a lot of lessons arranged for him. Writing, reading, etiquette, management. So much thrown at him that it was almost always overwhelming. He didn't understand the reason for any of it and, when he asked, Dynaechoor's answer had been an amused one. < Can you not figure it out given the studies? You are to run my house. >   Run a house. The sort of thing fancy Bya did, for Lords. Bya who didn't have to work but were kept. It was a jolting realization when it all clicked into place. When he realized how he fit in their relationship. It didn't feel wrong, it was just another one of the things that clashed with what he had thought his life would be.   < Did you hope to return to your fields? > It was one of those probing questions. Where he was learning Riseenu without pulling the information from him.   < It's all I know.... Knew. > It wasn't an exact answer, but that's what had been comfortable. Familiar.   It had been satisfactory, though. < I know. And after this, you will know more. > His perceived ignorance to Dynaechoor's world and how to move in it didn't seem to bother the other man. It wouldn't be until many years later that he'd realize why. That Dynaechoor liked that he was an untouched clean slate. Free of any other's opinions shaping him. Free for Dynaechoor to teach as he saw fit.   The idea of it probably should've upset him, but Riseenu rather liked being made for his Dha. Of everyone, Dynaechoor had picked him. Dynaechoor belonged to him.   Years of study paid off and he was eventually moved to the family grounds. The Pra'Stazrach family grounds. One of the most influential and, from his studies, one of the more powerful bloodlines. He was presented to Dynaechoor's parents like he'd just been found and he didn't see a reason to correct it. The women didn't seem pleased to see him, or with him. He'd find out from family gossip that he'd taken the place of a lady they'd planned for their son. Someone they'd lined up.   It'd never have worked. Dynaechoor had been bonded to him for years even if they'd never actually been together. Like his Dha was determined he would be the one to decide who he was bound to and it would not be sorted for him. Even though, to Riseenu, it hadn't felt like a decision. Not really. He'd been drawn to Dynaechoor and assumed, in a way, that it was the same for his Dha.   As a Shra-Zmutwe, Dynaechoor likely had a better understanding of how bonds worked.   When he was finally moved into the same rooms as his Dha, he was both anxious and relieved. Living apart had been torture in its own way.


Dynaechoor is the first born son of the Pra'Stazrach family and, while Connections cannot be forced, they can and are generally encouraged amongst a pool of approved candidates amongst the nobility selected by their parents. In Dynaechoor's case, he went out of his way to find Riseenu so he would have someone that was out of his family's reach.



Shpou'Shra-Zmutwe Dynaechoor Pra'Stazrach

Vyablie'Shra-Dez Riseenu Pra'Stazrach

Articles under Finding You

Cover image: by Jason Wong


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