
This is a WIP
There will be content here in the future. This article was created as a placeholder and referenced in another. While there is nothing here at the moment, there will be content eventually. <3

The People


The vnou are an earth adjacent equivalent to humans. They came in much the same sizes and colorations, with notable differences specific to various bloodlines. Their culture and history varies in notable ways but there are parallels that have led to the present day vnou operating in a world similar to our own. The internet, modern technology, electricity, and all the creature comforts that come along with that can be found in the world – in as much a variety as they are on earth.

Mental Prowess

The vnou base mental ability has a lot to do with illusion, charm, communication, domination, control, manipulation, and influence. It’s all about the force of will and its application on the world around them. For the vast majority of the vnou populace, they will be born toward the weaker end of a power scale they’ve created, presently called Shra. Shra 1 through 4 is common with High Shra of 5 or higher believed to be extinct. Very few can manipulate the physical world around them. If they can’ it’s in very small ways. Small tricks, subtle moves. Shifting objects, unlocking doors, opening windows. It is not something they would readily advertise and certainly not something they would do around others.  

Though vnou can communicate telepathically, that is not their main form of doing so. Rather, there is a societal sense of privacy concerning other vnou’s minds. It’s usually considered rude, borderline unlawful, to touch or infiltrate another vnou’s mind without express permission, even for something as simple as a greeting. Only those intimately familiar with one another and wholly trusting would communicate in such a way – thus the method is usually reserved for those Connected.

Shra Pull

A basic aspect of vnou biology in the need for a Connection. The want to find that other vnou that fits. Some believe that it operates like love at first sight while other, more pragmatic vnou know it’s more about Shra and personal compatibility. Vnou who are drawn to one another and capable of Connecting are more or less soul mates. There is no breaking this bond, once formed. To the contrary, vnou tend to go insane if their Connected dies before they do.

Cover image: by Jason Wong


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Aug 3, 2023 23:29 by Marjorie Ariel

Beautiful article! I think the need for a connection is both interesting, and quite frankly, relatable. (It reminds me of that old couple in the grocery store who have been together since high school.) I feel bad for those who outlive their partners, since I would guess dying at the same time is not particularly common. I hope their society had a good mental health system to handle this.

Aug 4, 2023 06:05

^^' Depressingly enough, when one outlives the other, the surviving vnou tends to go off kilter. Hard to lose that other half of your mind. I'm glad you like the initial connection / premise. I'm a sucker for soulmates.

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