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This is but one of the legends of which the people speak...   Long ago, there was a land, blessed by the gods.   It was a prosperous land, with high mountains, green fields, and flowing rivers.   But the people were not satisfied.   Greed grasped their hearts, although there was enough for all.   The great kingdoms of the land began to war, and darkness fell.   The ground was broken, the sky was shattered, and flames consumed the land.   But as the wind carried the ashes away, it also carried the seeds of hope.   From the sinking ruins, ships fled to the furthest corners of the seas.   Though they had lost much and were scattered across many islands, they had survived.   With their forebears' mistakes in their minds, they set to creating a new land.   The land that was lost was called Varanu.   The land that was found is called Vodari.