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Luminous Research Outpost

Mackenzie Parnell eyed their former superior over their half-empty mug. "You realize you can't win this case, aye?"
"I don't plan to," Rasmussen said. "I need the media to pick it up and start asking questions."
They shifted uncomfortably in their seat. "Stir up enough dirt, Jon, and they will come for you, sooner or later."
Rasmussen didn't need the reminder, he had seen enough of what the secret police did for a living. But his own career was pretty much over anyway; Mackenzie's had just begun.
"Yes, and they will come for you, if you keep acquiring dirt for me to stir up," he said.
The Ensign shrugged. "Worst they can do is give me house arrest for the remainder of my sad and lonely days. Mom will see to that," they added with an exasperated eyeroll.
"That's more than long enough."
"With all due respect, sir," Mackenzie said, emphasizing the formal address as if to remind him he was no longer their XO, "you really think I ain't covering my six here? Shit starts hitting the proverbial fan, I'm fifty lightyears away before they even know I put on my panties."
Rasmussen snorted. "Fine. I trust you to know what you're doing. But I will still worry, kid."
They scowled at the last word. "Rude."
Proxima Invicta: Nemesis
  The Research Outpost on Luminous in Tseen Ke was founded by the Terran Commonwealth to study the alien ruins found at the site.  

Attack on Luminous

In 3490 SCE, the research outpost was attacked and destroyed, and all personnel stationed there were presumed dead.   The Commonwealth Spacefleet quickly provided a convenient suspect: A local pirate group that had previously attacked supply convoys to the outpost and had just been raided by the outpost's patrol cruiser TCS Claymore.  


  The outpost was a small domed settlement on the terrestrial planet Luminous, orbiting the supergiant Tseen Ke.   Nestled in a crater and protected by flare shields, its inhabitants had every reason to feel as safe as they could this far from the Commonwealth's main territory.  

Caves & Ruins

  The caves were discovered during a routine survey of the abandoned structures found topside. A mix of natural and artificial, only the areas near the entrance were initially accessible, and by the time the outpost was destroyed, some areas were still locked.   Since Tseen Ke is one of the Lynx Route systems, the ruins are believed to have been an outpost built by the same alien faction that built the Route, but few artifacts were ever found of them.  


The majority of individuals stationed at the outpost were civilian researchers. They were supported by the crews responsible for keeping the settlement running, and a unit of Commonwealth Spacefleet soldiers providing security.   The light cruiser TCS Claymore provided security in the sector near the planet, escorted supply ships between the outpost and voidgate, and dealt with any trouble in nearby asteroid settlements.  

The Rasmussen Siblings

Dr. Birgit Rasmussen is a xenoarcheologist from Procyon who worked at the outpost until its destruction. She was presumed dead along with everybody else on site at the time.   CDR Jon Yngve Rasmussen is her older brother. He was the XO aboard TCS Claymore. A trained lawyer, he also served as arbitrator when the cruiser was called in to settle disputes among the locals in the sector.   After discovering the truth about the destruction of the outpost, Rasmussen filed charges against those responsible, and found himself hunted by the government.  

Notable Crew of TCS Claymore

CAPT Khalil Hussayin is the CO aboard TCS Claymore. A veteran of several wars, he asked for a quiet job and the Spacefleet sent him to Tseen Ke, to keep the peace.   ENS Mackenzie Parnell is the only child of Grand Admiral Nyx Parnell. They're also a very skilled hacker with a network of secret contacts inside and beyond the Commonwealth.
Outpost / Base
ca. 5,400
Location under
Owning Organization

This article is an entry for the Unofficial Challenge The Longest Journey by Tyrdal.


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