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Razdunan (Razdunig Regh) is a Slavic creole with Germanic influence spoken primarily in the Razduna region on Sumorak in the Alsafi system. It's now widely spoken on the continent, as well as some far-flung places on both Day- and Nightside.

Place Names
In Razduna, the sun is known by its Razdunan name, Sulna. Its official name "Alsafi" and designation "Sigma Draconis" are used only in astronomical or spacefaring contexts. Its nicknames are Peshtak in Razdunan, and "Sigma" in Merchant Pidgin.

Nowadays both the planet Sumorak and the region of Razduna are called only by their Razdunan names.  


Razdunan inherited most of its vocabulary from Slavic languages, but much of its phonology from Germanic languages.
Front Central Back
Close i /i/ ~ /ɪ/ u /u/ ~ /ʊ/
Open-mid e /ɜ/ ~ /ə/ o /ɔ/
Open a /ɐ/
Labial Alveolar Palato-
Velar /
Nasal m /m/ n /n/
Stop p /p/
b /b/
t /t/
d /d/
k /k/
g /ɡ/
Fricative v /v/ y /ʝ/ gh /ɣ/ ~ /x/ h /h/
Sibilant s /s/
z /z/
sh /ʃ/ ~ /ɕ/
Liquid r /ɾ/ ~ /ɹ/
l /l/
hr /χ͡ʀ/ ~ /ʁ/


54 Words.