Eladrin Species in Volatia | World Anvil
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Eladrin were Fey celestials native to Arborea, primarily in Arvandor. Unlike the Celestials of other planes, the Eladrin did not serve the gods in dominion of the planes; rather, they were allies. One exception to this was the god Shevarash, who had Eladrin in his service.   Eladrin were wild Fey beings of beauty and grace. They were considered among the noble Eladrin and were related to other Eladrin such as High Elves and Archfey.   All Eladrin were immune to harm from electricity. They were resistant to acid, cold, and fire and could not be turned to stone by magical means. Most could see in darkness. Eladrin had a wide range of spell-like abilities, but could communicate with almost any sentient creature using their innate magic. Typical of Fey, some Eladrin were sensitive to Cold Iron.   Eladrin were creatures of freedom and goodness. They took joy from their own existence and lived lives of celebration and art. Their wild natures left them somewhat unpredictable, yet they could always be trusted to avoid actual wickedness.   Eladrin were archenemies of all manner of Fiends, and would roam the multiverse looking for people to aid with acts of kindness and evil to oppose. Among Celestials, Eladrin perhaps had the shortest tempers in regards to their response toward injustice and oppression.   The Eladrin were only distantly related to the Elves. In some sense, they were distant cousins to the Archons and Guardinals as well.
  Type   Outsider   Subtype(s)   Celestial   Alignment   Chaotic Good  
General Information
Vision   Darkvision, Low-Light Vision   Diet   Omnivore     Homeland(s)   Arvandor; Arborea

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