Eye of the All-Father in Volatia | World Anvil
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Eye of the All-Father

  The Eye of the All-Father was a secret underground temple to Annam built in the time of ancient Ostoria in the Spine of the World. It could be accessed by passing through a mountain pass that began in the Valley of Khedrun.   The complex was accessed by crossing over a 40ft wide causeway with sheer drops to the valley floor below. The causeway led to a domed entrance with six columns carved with likenesses of various giant races. Beyond the entryway there were no doors, but there was a 40ft wide corridor over 300 feet long which led to a set of stairs to the main temple's massive doors.   Inside, the temple to Annam was a square, vaulted chamber some 240ft to a side. Six statues carved in the likenesses of six of Annam's sons, Grolantor, Memnor, Skoraeus Stonebones, Stronmaus, Surtur, and Thrym, surrounded a seventh statue that was thought to be Annam himself. An archway in one wall led to the inner sanctum, called the Eye of Annam, but it could only be opened if one knew the secret to make the magical portal appear. Sets of double doors led off to a giant-sized dormitory to the north and a giant-sized feast hall to the south.   Once inside the Eye, one would have been in a hexagonal-shaped room over 100ft across with a ceiling peaking at 90ft high. Again, there were six statues of giants dedicated to the six major races of giantkind. Hidden beneath a layer of frost were several Dwarvish runes etched into the floor. Standing inside the runes one could ask an oracle a few questions each day.
Location Type   Ancient Temple   Current Status   Lost (Ruins)   Old World Location   Valley of Khedrun   New World Location   Boiling Reservoir (Garag Province)   Affiliation   Giant Pantheon

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