Grolantor Character in Volatia | World Anvil
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Grolantor (gro-LÆN-tor)

Grolantor was the Giant god of hunting and battle, and the primary patron of the Hill Giants. The most prominent member of the Giant Pantheon, Grolantor was the black sheep of the family, a vainglorious brute that refused any title but his given name and who was dedicated more to his ego than the wellbeing of his followers.   Personality   Grolantor was a truly miserable specimen of a god, one who constantly complained about his bottomless hunger, but would sooner snatch food from a family member's plate than hunt for it himself. Though possessed of a certain cunning and skill for ambushes, he constantly undermined himself, the blame for most of his problems laying squarely at his own feet as the result of his own selfish behavior and sheer hubris. Most giant breeds portrayed him as a wicked being, but even the evil-tempered deity's own well-being was represented as second in priority compared to sating his pride.   Grolantor was completely dedicated to his own conceit. Despite being one of the most dangerous entities in the planes, with access to abilities that would strike fear in any mortal, the vain deity was too foolish to fully take advantage of his powers. This was not to say that Grolantor was fully stupid, for in fact he could be intelligent if he would only allow himself to be. Rather, Grolantor was idiotic in the sense that he was willfully ignorant, stubbornly refusing to accept reality and seemingly determined to stay along his course of self-appointed destruction. He insisted on doing things the hard way, trying to use strength where subtlety would have been more effective.   Grolantor absolutely refused to admit that any other being, including his kin, were superior to him and tried to instill that attitude in his followers, believing that Ostoria could never be restored without such pride. He was proud of his strength, but would not respect the greater strength, intellect, or seniority of his siblings, boasting of his own greatness while insulting his peers. These delusions of grandeur repeatedly forced him and his followers into pointless conflicts, sometimes more than they could handle. He sometimes showed this rash impudence when he manifested an avatar, behaving cowardly when faced with a stronger foe until challenged or mocked, at which point he attacked   Powers   The great strength that Grolantor was proud of was his one redeeming quality. His avatars could hurl rocks up to 1,200 feet away, and would catch rocks and other large missiles thrown at them around 70% of the time.   Possessions   Grolantor was known to wield an oversized club named "Dwarf-Crusher", and in some artistic depictions the Greatclub he wielded was made of bone. In any case, his avatars wielded an enchanted club that was twice as effective against dwarves as it was against any other being. Grolantor also usually wore several belts of woven dwarf beards.   Realm   Grolantor made his home in the Red Prison of Carceri, a plane of evil tinged with chaos. Carceri was the home of banished exiles, and each layer confined a different kind of traitor. Originally Grolantor was believed to dwell on the fourth layer known as Colothys, which confined those liars and cheaters who put forth harmful deception when the truth would have been just as easy to provide. Colothys consisted of mighty chasms and mountains larger than any on the Prime Material Plane, with impossibly rickety bridges, tight cliff-face trails and domiciles that clung to the rock walls. Hordes of around 150 Hill Giants might live in one of the various minor, wooden keeps of Grolantor.   However, as it turned out, Grolantor had multiple outposts throughout most of Carceri's layers. Grolantor had another set of steadings in the Abyss as well, but preferred Carceri's more grim atmosphere to the mindless chaos of the Abyss.   Grolantor's primary layer of influence was Cathrys, a collection of savage jungles and plains inhabited by bloodthirsty savages. As opposed to Colothys, Cathrys confined those individuals who unnecessarily responded to their primal instincts, abandoning their reason for barbarity when logic and rationality would have served better. The hill giant petitioners of Cathrys were just as dangerous as the ordinary savage schemers and much more powerful on top of that. Cathrys was fraught with danger, from the reeking, metal-dissolving acid that oozed from the blood-colored plants to the vast, arid, wind-swept plains, with blades of grass that cut through flesh as well as any jagged sword.   Like most of Cathrys's petitioners, the Hill Giants had adapted to life in the layer. Because they never bathed, they had a slimy, outer exterior that protected them from the sap, although they and other petitioners avoided it anyway due to superstitious dread. All petitioners, including Hill Giants had to maintain the roads to avoid being sliced to ribbons, but that was the extent of any cooperation. The few and far between villages of the layer experienced constant raiding by their neighbors, who sought to eat flesh and drink blood, and once the nomads had polluted a territory they moved on from their stinking razor grass huts to new regions.   The Steading   The most well-known realm in Cathrys was The Steading, the main home of Grolantor. The savannah-like region that encompassed The Steading was clearly visually distinct from the rest of Cathrys. The scarlet grass was replaced with chaotically-clustered, earthy-brown hills, and the hill giants appreciated the rolling terrain since it allowed them to spy on their targets from a great distance away.   The philosophy of the realm was that the only true strength was physical, which was to be used as often as desired, and that dominance was displayed by beating others senseless. The Hill Giants of the realm raided each other in the absence of other foes, each eagerly seeking Grolantor's favor at the expose of others, and only allied to fight bigger rivals. Which tribes had his favor was easily distinguished by how fortified and prosperous their forts appeared. Roaming bands of giants scoured the realm and brought forth Lions and Mammoths as offerings to feed Grolantor's insatiable appetite.   A vast number of Hill Giants and their villages could be found throughout the hilly terrain of The Steading. About 100 hilltop forts, each miles apart, dotted the realm, and each was about as lethal as the others. On top of the hill in the middle of the realm was its inevitable focusing point, The Steading of Grolantor. This huge building covered literal miles of territory, with winding, fully connected, wooden halls, although the entire place was only a single giant tall.   There were few good reasons to visit The Steading since everything was made for giants and wildly varied in price and there was no way of knowing how a roaming Giant band would react to travelers. They might ignore them, kill them, or bring them to Grolantor's Steading for the purpose of killing them there, giving them to Grolantor, or even trying to convert non-giants to Grolantor's cause. Dwarves were immediately exterminated in the Steading, as per Grolantor's creed, but Humans were a different story.   Hill Giants regarded Humans as Humans did rabbits, not as subjects of hatred, but as irritating pests good for food, occasionally useful for trade or supplies, potential sources of lucky charms, or as amusing pets. Human-sized holes allowing for potential escape littered the ground of the realm, some dug by unseen creatures and others seemingly naturally occurring. However, it was unadvisable to use them, but not just because of potential beasts within.
Aspects/Aliases   Grolettinor; Grelinor   Gender   Masculine   Power Level   Intermediate Deity   Alignment   Chaotic Evil   Symbol   Spiked Club   Home Plane   Jotunheim    Realm   The Steading   Portfolio   Combat; Hill Giants; Hunting   Domains   Chaos, Death, Earth, Evil, Hatred   Worshipers   Hill Giants   Favored Weapon   Club or Javelin

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