Hiatea Character in Volatia | World Anvil
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Hiatea (hee-AH-tee-uh)

Description   She took the form of a tanned, lithe giantess with long legs, wearing leather armor and carrying a spear that flamed on her command, a bow, and a quiver of arrows. Her hair was red-golden, and her large eyes were hazel brown.   History   Hiatea was the daughter of Annam. Her mother was an unnamed sky goddess or, according to some myths, a mortal Giant. Annam originally preferred sons over daughters, and used magic to ensure the gender of his offspring was male. Hiatea's mother hid her pregnancy from Annam and had her daughter raised by Firbolgs so that Annam would never learn of her existence.   When she came of age, a messenger was sent from her mother's deathbed to tell Hiatea of her true parentage. Hiatea proved herself with a series of daring feats, culminating in an epic battle with a great monster, sometimes named as a Hydra with fifty heads and sometimes as a Tarrasque. She was sometimes said to have used her spear to slay an enormous hydra, preventing its heads from regenerating by cauterizing them with fire.   She brought a trophy of her kill to her father, who recognized her valor and worth, accepting her as one of his own offspring. Upon learning of her existence, her brother Stronmaus was overjoyed and celebrated by creating mighty storms that flooded the worlds, washing away great evils in the process.   Personality   She was strong, confident, and an exceptional hunter.   Hiatea had two aspects. From her Firbolg upbringing, she had an affinity for community, agriculture, and family. Once she discovered her true patrimony, she reinvented herself as a mighty hunter and protector.   Realm   Hiatea lived in Woodhaven on the wild, rugged layer of Eronia on the plane of Elysium. She often journeyed to the Beastlands on hunting expeditions, impressing all who dwelled there.   Activities   Hiatea communicated frequently with her priests and shamans, sending omens in the form of distinctive shapes in the fires, or in flaming spheres within dying embers. Her community priests might see omens in the dreams of children. She might also send omens in the form of a gigantic yellow-gold moth that would spiral around flame. Her priests perceived messages in its path of flight. Those who captured the moth alive would be invisible in woodlands for up to six days.
Power Level   Greater Deity   Alignment   Neutral Good   Homeland(s)   None   Realm   Woodhaven   Symbol   Spear wreathed in flame   Portfolio   Nature, Agriculture, Hunting, Childbirth   Domains   Animal, Family, Good, Moon, Plant, Sun   Worshipers   Giant; Wood Giants

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