Ironslag Forge in Volatia | World Anvil
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Ironslag Forge

  Ironslag was an ancient dungeon complex beneath Mount Hamarhaast in the Ice Spires. Home to a clan of fire giants, this was the ancestral forge of Duke Zalto. Ironslag had two entrances. The main entrance was a set of adamantine doors 50ft tall, sealed by magic. The main forge area was a large, two-level dungeon complex connected to a series of mines. The complex was largely inhabited by Fire Giants, but also included a large number of Goblins, Hobgoblins, Ogres, and Orcs along with several Dwarf, Gnome, and Human slaves/prisoners. There were also a few Hell Hounds, Salamanders, an Iron Golem, and a Chimera among the inhabitants.
Location Type   Ancient Forge (Dungeon Complex)   Current Status   Lost    Old World Location   Mount Hamarhaast   New World Location   Mount Hamarhaast (Garag Province)   Affiliation   Giant Pantheon

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