Masud Character in Volatia | World Anvil
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Masud was the first of the Fire Giant race. Masud had a red beard. As khan of the Fire Giant kingdom of Ostoria, he wore a golden crown and bejeweled rings. His armor was made of darkened steel, and he bore a flaming spear that could shoot forth intense bursts of fire.   Masud was one of the many terrestrial sons of Annam All-Father and his wife Othea. His many siblings were his elder brothers Lanaxis, Vilmos, and Nicia, his younger brothers Ottar, Obadai, Ruk, and Arno and Julian, and the youngest, known as Hartkiller. He had a half-brother through his mother named Dunmore, as well as three other half-brothers through his mother whose names are forgotten to history. Through his father, he was half-sibling to the giant gods Stronmaus, Hiatea, Grolantor, Iallanis, Memnor, and Skoraeus. He was likely related to the gods Surtr and Thrym as well.

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