Mountain Giant Species in Volatia | World Anvil
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Mountain Giant

  Mountain Giants, called Fjelljotunen in their own language, were a brutish Giant offshoot race of Hill Giants. Mountain Giants largely resembled Hill Giants, though they were slightly smaller and roughly as strong as Fire Giants. Their bodies typically displayed a skin tone that ranged from a light tan to a reddish-brown tan. Male Mountain Giants often had heavy beards, but never mustaches, as well as large pot bellies.   They typically dressed in rough animal hides or skins, much like Hill Giants tended to, as well as a breechcloth. Due to poor hygiene, their bodies often had foul odors lingering off them that could travel along the wind for over a distance of a 100ft or more.  
  These Giants were often given to cruelty and erratic behavior. They were suspicious of outsiders and reluctant to interact with them. However, they were more than capable of agreeing to peaceful relations with other creatures.  
  Mountain Giants possessed high olfactory senses, allowing them to track down and detect many enemies through means of smelling.   Though not the most charismatic of Giants, whenever this race called for aid a number of monsters would quickly arrive to fight alongside them. Most often these calls for help were answered by Ogres, though Trolls and occasionally Hill Giants were also known to come at such calls.   A Mountain Giant had some degree of control over these other creatures, able to issue them broadly defined commands, but they still valued their own lives over that of their summoner. Often times this ability would be used to acquire guards and underlings for their cavern homes.  
  Mountain Giants were rarely known to use any form of tactical planning, deceit, or ambushing maneuvers. Rather, they preferred to straightforward approach of tossing down massive boulders at their foes from afar and rarely took cover while doing so. When fighting in close quarters they were known to use a club that were the size of logs or tree limbs.   When it came to unarmed combat against smaller opponents they were known to jump up into the air, up to heights of 20ft, and attempt to land on their foes, thereby crushing them. Otherwise, they would simply try to trample their foes, engage them in acts of grappling, or fling them away.

Basic Information

Dietary Needs and Habits

Mountain Giants were foragers and hunters who ate a variety of nuts, tubers, and other edible mountain plants. Their most favorite food was typically Mountain Sheep.

Additional Information

Social Structure

A Mountain Giant tribe was generally a very loose network of several families, scattered across a given mountain or range. These families were polygamous, typically in the form of multiple men sharing a single woman. Tribes were led by a shaman, who typically lived alongside other friendly creatures rather than their own race. They presided over a tribe's occasional gathering and would counsel those willing to travel in order to talk with them.   Mountain Giant shamans typically derived their powers from the spheres of All, Animal, Charm, Combat, Elemental, or Healing. They also possessed an innate ability to locate any cave or cavern entrance within a half mile of them, with the exception of those hidden through magic.   Mountains were often known to take the items of humanoid creatures and carry them around in bags alongside their rocks, keeping the items as playthings. Such items could include things such as furniture, wagons, or even whole huts.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Despite often resenting intruders, they would occasionally keep a few Dwarves or Humans as pets. If found in groups, they were usually a pair of mates with children.   As Mountain Giants descended from Hill Giants, they were still considered true Giants. They stood just above their distant kin in the Giant hierarchy, or Ordning, and just below Stone Giants.
  Size   Large   Alignment   Chaotic Neutral   Homeland(s)   Jotunheim, The Prime Material Plane  
General Information
Vision   Darkvision   Activity Cycle   Any   Diet   Omnivore   Average Lifespan   100 Years   Language(s)   Jotun, Jotunhaug   Favored Climate   Any   Favored Terrain   Mountains  
Average Height   14ft   Average Weight   1,100lbs   Skin Color(s)   Tan   Hair Color(s)   Black   Distinctions   Beard; Potbelly

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