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Movanic Deva (Mov-an-ic Day-va)

  Movanic Devas were a kind of angel and members of one of the three orders of the Devas, the others being Astral Devas and Monadic Devas. The most privileged and worldly of Devas, Movanic Devas oversaw the Prime Material Plane, the Negative Energy Plane, and the Positive Energy Plane.   Movanic Devas had lithesome frames capable of extraordinary agility, with skin of milky white hue and hair and eyes that appeared silvery. Movanic Devas stood around 6.5 feet or 6 feet tall, but particularly mighty examples could grow to much larger size. In a peaceful moment, a Movanic Deva would adopt the shape of a humanoid or an animal. In fact, they rarely manifested their glorious true forms, unless it suited their purposes to awe mortals.   Well-traveled in the planes and in the mortal world, and gaining a greater understanding of the affairs of mortals, some Movanic Devas saw themselves as more worldly than their Astral and Monadic kin. Nevertheless, no Deva would knowingly deal peaceably with evil beings, but those of non-lawful bent sometimes dealt with neutral beings.  
  Movanic Devas loved battle, though not to the extent of the monadic devas. Reacting swiftly and never taken by surprise, they tended to dive into melee, with firm grips on their flaming swords. They fought with skillful and rapid attacks.   By parrying with their flaming sword, a Movanic Deva could deflect missiles and hurled weapons and counter rays and other spells that targeted them alone, even ones that were unavoidable, like magic missile. However, they had to be aware of an incoming attack to deflect it, and they could not deflect two simultaneous strikes.  
  Movanic Devas possessed all the powers, protections, and traits common to Devas and to other angels, and many more of their own. They were immune to injury from mundane and minor magical weapons. Whether with the spell polymorph self or an inherent ability to change shape, they could change their form into that of any humanoid, from halfling to human in size, or into an animal.   With the soothing presence of nature itself, a Movanic Deva had a calm nature that creatures of the natural world invariably found pleasing. No animal or plant would willingly attack one, not unless compelled by magic. It seemed they could not even be harmed by plant life. However, reptiles and similar creatures, and monstrous creatures, could attack them freely.   Possessing a divine equilibrium, Movanic Devas were immune to the deleterious effects of planes suffused with either negative energy or positive energy, making them immune to death spells and loss of experience or life-force. Whether the energy was negative or positive was all one and the same to them.   In addition to the common spells of Devas, Movanic Devas were also reported to cast Cause or Cure Blindness, Detect Traps, and Neutralize Poison; or Anti-Magic Shell, Protection from Normal Missiles, and Spell Turning, and they could use any invocation/evocation spell they wished, once a day. Later, it was reported they could cast Atonement, Bless Weapon, Commune, Consecrate, Create Food and Water, Cure Serious Wounds, Daylight, Death Ward, Divination, Ethereal Jaunt, Hallow, Neutralize Poison, Prayer, and Protection from Arrows; and Raise Dead.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Movanic Devas were the weakest yet the most numerous of the Devas. Nevertheless, the order of Movanic Devas was politically equal to the orders of Astral and Monadic Devas, and there was no rivalry between them. Although the orders might sometimes bicker over differences in personality, they always cooperated.   Movanic Devas fought as infantry in battles against the forces of darkness, and they did so with pride. They were also charged with serving the needs of the Prime Material Plane, the Negative Energy Plane, and the Positive Energy Plane.   The Movanic Devas had the privilege of traveling to the Material Plane at will to aid prominent followers of the gods of good in times of great need. While they more often appeared disguised as humanoids or animals, they could manifest in their winged angelic form if this suited their needs.
Type: Celestial (Outsider)   Alignment: Any Good
Size   Medium   Challenge Rating   9  
General Information
Vision   Low-Light Vision, Darkvision   Activity cycle   Any   Diet   Omnivore   Homeland(s)   Upper Planes   Language(s)   Celestial, Draconic, Infernal  
Average Height   6′ 6″   Skin Color(s)   Milky White   Hair Color(s)   Silvery   Feather Color(s)   White   Eye Color(s)   Silvery

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