Nidavellir in Volatia | World Anvil
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Nidavellir, also known as Dark Home, was the third layer of Ysgard. It consisted of a series of underground tunnels and vast warm caverns. It contained numerous divine realms and was the location of two major warring realms: one by the same name (Nidavellir) and Svartalfheim, which was believed to be the divine realm of Eilistraee.  
  Like Ysgard and Muspelheim, the other two layers of the plane, the landmasses of Nidavellir also consisted of moving earthbergs. However, whereas in the other two layers the earthbergs rarely collided, in Nidavellir they were constantly grinding against each other, so the only habitable spaces were located in the cavities formed between them.   The entirety of the layer was underground. Its tunnels, chambers, and caverns were kept warm by hot springs and geysers, which provided ample heat to sustain the native vegetation, which consisted of woods that required no sunlight to grow.  
Notable Locations
  The Cavern of Rest
  • Realm of Marthammor Duin.
The Merciful Court
  • Realm of Sharindlar.
  • Realm of dwarves and gnomes with an unclear ruler.
  • Realm of drow that was believed to belong to Eilistraee, although its true power was not known for certain, as rumors persisted that it belonged to Erevan Ilesere instead, or some other power.

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