Stone Giant Species in Volatia | World Anvil
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Stone Giant

  Stone Giants, called Steinjotunen in their own language, were a reclusive and artistic race of Giants that lived in underground and mountainous environments. The bodies of Stone Giants had a gray skin tone, and eyes of a silver or steel. They also tended to wear clothing that was of a similar color to nearby rocks, which altogether made it easy for their race to blend in with their environment when needed.   Adults averaged about 18ft in height, although fossilized Stone Giants from the era of Ostoria show that in the past their race was capable of reaching heights of up to 24ft. Though thinner and less bulky than Fire Giants, who were about the same height on average, a Stone Giant's thicker, heavier flesh made them weigh significantly more, at about 9,000lbs.  
  Stone Giants had an excellent sense of smell and had Infravision sight of up to 200ft. Stone Giants were the longest living of the Giants and generally considered among their peers to be the wisest of all Giant races, despite their low position in the Ordning. And their hearts were known to beat four times slower than that of a Human.  
  Stone Giants preferred to fight using ranged weapons such as boulders, but if forced into melee they wielded gigantic stone clubs. Some were fond of simply flinging their smaller enemies through the air.  
Due to the resilience of their skin, Stone Giants were known to be immune to all forms of lycanthropy.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Stone Giant family bonds were less important than the bonds between a master and his pupil. The ordering of Stone Giant society was based upon an individual's artistic ability. The strongest Stone Giant nation was Cairnheim in the Underdark. It was a village located in the western part of the Darklands in the Upperdark inside the Giant's Run Mountains under the rule of the stone giant lich Dodkong.   Stone Giants that spent too much time on the surface, either during their dream quests or as a result of banishment from their communities, became Dreamwalkers, driven so far into madness by their isolation to the point that reality itself bent around them.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Stone Giants' finger bones were used by crafters in Volatia to create more powerful versions of Rings of Strength.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Common given names among Stone Giants included the following  
  Falkh, Hundar, Korlgar, Kuljarn, Sulfulkh, Valgusk, Vorold, and Yulhamur  
  Beldra, Gillauga, Gurdis, Moada, Oskra, Ragnara, Rakra, Skarla, Woave, and Zarka

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Stone Giants were known to speak the general giant language Jotun. But they also possessed their own language known as Jotunstein, which was derived from both Jotun and Auld Dwarvish. The written form of this language was known as "Metamorpherie".


The Stone Giant race began with an individual by the name of Obadai, one of the mortal children of Annam, All Father and Othea, who in the kingdom of Ostoria was ceded control of the Underdark. Within this mighty kingdom they created some of the greatest works of Giant art. For example, they would regularly carve stalactites and pillars so that they resonated in the wind, thus creating a sort of song that was attuned to whoever stood before them.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Animal domestication was not common among them, though many were known to raise colonies of Giant Bats as a warning system and source of food. While others have been seen in the company of Giant Goats and Cave Bears. Out of all animals they considered Purple Worms to be the greatest of pests, since they could effortlessly burrow through their homes and destroy prized carvings.
  Size   Huge   Type   Giant   Alignment   Neutral   Homeland(s)   Jotunheim, The Prime Material Plane   Challenge Rating   7  
General Information
Patron Deity   Skoraeus Stonebones   Vision   Darkvision   Average Lifespan   800 Years   Language(s)   Jotun, Jotunstein   Favored Climate   Temperate   Favored Terrain   Mountains  
Average Weight   9,000lbs   Skin Color(s)   Gray   Hair Color(s)   Dark Gray   Eye Color(s)   Silver; Steel

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