Thrym Character in Volatia | World Anvil
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Thrym was a Titan worshiped by the Frost Giants as the Giant god of cold and ice. He was the de facto leader of the Frost Giants as well. In the Great Wheel cosmology, he co-ruled the entire plane of Jotunheim alongside his brother Surtur, he was said to wander the plane with a company of giant jarls. When not directly preparing for war, Thrym was known to be fairly aloof, wandering his realm restlessly.   At some point Thrym forged a magic Warhammer by the name of Matalotok.   Thrym was a son of Annam All-Father.   Thyrm was known to have a rivalry with his twin, Surtur. Since birth, the two had competed to be the first at everything.   At some point, Thrym fathered the Empyrean Nalkara with Auril, goddess of winter.
Title(s)   Lord of the Frost Giants   Pantheon   Giant Pantheon   Gender   Masculine   Power Level   Lesser Deity   Alignment   Chaotic Evil   Symbol   White Double-Bladed Axe   Home Plane   Ysgard   Realm   Jotunheim   Portfolio   Cold, Ice, Magic, Frost Giants   Domains   Chaos, Cold, Destruction, Evil, Strength, War, Winter   Worshipers   Frost Giants

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