Titan Species in Volatia | World Anvil
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  Titans, called Voninjotunen in their own language, were the largest of the true Giant races, standing even taller than Cloud or Storm giants. In the social order of Giants, they were ranked highest on the Ordning, above all other Giants, Giant-Kin, and Ogres. Titans resembled large, muscular Humans who typically lacked facial hair.  
  Many titans were capable spellcasters or psionicists. And they were the only race of Giants not known to have Runecasters.   They also had numerous spell-like abilities. Such as Holy Smite, Meteor Swarm, and Chain Lightning. Some were capable of becoming Invisible at will, Levitating, and becoming Ethereal at least twice a day.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

As inhabitants of the Outer Planes, Titans were often known to be capable of speaking the Abyssal and Celestial languages. Many were also known to speak Draconic, Common, and all six dialects of Jotun.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Out of all the Giant races, Titans were the most amicable towards Storm Giants due to their disposition.
  Size   Huge   Type   Giant   Alignment   Chaotic Neutral   Challenge Rating   21  
General Information
Vision   Darkvision   Homeland(s)   Arborea, Warrior's Rest   Language(s)   Abyssal, Common, Celestial, Draconic, Jotun  
Average Height   25ft   Average Weight   14,000lbs

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