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Galactic Standard Calendar

The Galactic Standard Calendar was the standard measurement of time in the galaxy. It was based on the Coruscant solar cycle. The Coruscant solar cycle was 365 days long with a day consisting of 24 standard hours. The Imperial Era used the Galactic Empire's formation as its epoch. BFE stood for Before the Formation of the Empire, AFE stood for After the Formation of The Empire.    

Time Measurement

The calendar was based on the size and rotation of the planet Coruscant. It was a luno-solar calendar based both on Coruscant's orbit around its sun, and the orbit of its primary satellite, Centax-1. The standard unit of time was the standard second. Sixty standard seconds made up each standard minute, and sixty minutes made up each standard hour. Each day consisted of 24 standard hours. A standard week was 5 standard days, and each month was seven weeks (making 35 standard days each month). A standard year was 365 days, composed of ten months and three fete weeks. As the Hyperdrive Theory allowed space travelers to bypass relativity, a single duration of time passed at all locations equally over a given interval.
  • 60 seconds = 1 minute
  • 60 minutes = 1 hour
  • 24 hours = 1 day
  • 5 days = 1 week
  • 7 weeks = 35 days = 1 month
  • 10 months + 3 festival weeks = 365 days = 1 year

Days of the Week

  • Primeday
  • Centaxday
  • Taungsday
  • Zhellday
  • Benduday

Months of the Year

  • Monober
  • Duember
  • Tresember
  • Tetrober
  • Pentember
  • Hexember
  • Heptober
  • Octamber
  • Novober
  • Decober

Fete Weeks of the Year

  • New Year Fete Week
  • Festival of Life Week
  • Festival of Stars Week

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