Camp Vengeance

Built upon the blood of a war for good, Camp Vengeance stands as an ever present reminder that humanity will stand and rebel against those who seek to reap war and carnage on the innocent. As of today, the camp is a fortified bastion, filled with many soldiers and mages who were raised by veteran war heroes from years ago. Hard, sharp, and strategically built architecture irradiate the feeling of sturdy barracks built from a different era. Many of the populous make do with what they have, but share deep connections with one another, as well as what has become their sister town, Camp Righteous.


The camp is filled with some varied faced, but few of which are seen as intelligent. Mostly filled with more war mongering races, such as Dragonborn, Goliaths, Dwarves, Orcs, and Minotaurs. Don't mistake the people for idiots, though their culture is filled with war scarred faces, each of them can recount the first time they read a book or studied lyrical proverbs just as well as the first time they swung a sword.


By the people, and for the people. There is not a single significant decision that happens in Camp Vengeance without a public polling. Due to their history, law enforcement as well as regulation changes in market prices and work shifts are considered to be just as significant for public polling as something such as a political election. Though there is a government, it mainly serves as a way to pass simple decisions to ease the flow of politics.
The camp is currently run by an Orc named "Tarmashka Sabletooth", a 250 year old man with a pensive for planning and small talk.


As it was previously a military base, almost every entry is defended. carved at a lower level with guard outposts rimming the high ground, at even point attackers are at a disadvantage against the camp. Various magical outposts scatter the camp, each of which stands taller than the camp itself and holds at least four powerful mages who keep watch from inside. The perimeter is walked by manual military regiments every few minutes of every day, ensuring to keep at least one wage with each search party in case of messages needing to be sent quickly.
Additionally, the camp is only accessible through a bridge in the cetre of the camp, creating a chokepoint guarded by several watch towers and the camp itself. The bridge spans over a large ditch that is so deep it would become a moat before it even began to touch the camp itself, ensuring that they cannot be flooded by lava nor water.

Industry & Trade

Camp Vengeance sustains itself with its own trade for the most part. Local hunting parties and industry trade is kept within the small camp by its own means. However on the occasions where crops are not bountiful, or something has stricken its people, they deal in bodies. Men and Women sent out to fight, bodyguard, train, or educate other local areas. They also enjoy being able to test the new experiments that come out from Camp Righteous, sometimes earning them a pay as test dummies, and sometimes paying themselves as to gain newer equipment from their sister camp.


Camp Vengeance is exclusively carved form stone. The camp used to be a small mountain, but was carved out not only making the base, but also mining the resources from its veins and using them to produce all the forms of weapons and armour used within the camp.

Guilds and Factions

Gray Guard
The holders of law within the city, the Gray Guards are the local police and peace force, always ensuring the needs of the people are met before all else. No soul is left out in the cold whilst the Gray Guards exist, and unless every opinion is accounted for, no opinion shall be made when polling times come. These warriors are just and true, ensureing that they only take up arms when it would serve their people, and never with the intent of harming the innocent. They were the fighting force in the War of the Vengeful Watchers, and have remained as the core power of the camp ever since.


The War of the Vengeful Watchers
Vorn and Orolunga had disputed with Fort Beluarian for several years, gaining a bitter hatred for the city that grew more and more as it thrived whilst they were left to the wayside. As bad blood brewed, and the two cities agreed that Fort Beluarian was best opposed, the two cities declared war on Fort Beluarian, and what was "The War of Fake Men" began. Vorn and Orolunga combined military forces, conscripting many lower and non-noble men and women to fight for a cause most of them did not believe in. Some disagreed as it would cause more losses than problems it would fix, whilst others did not even see reason pro issues with Beluarian to begin with. Slowly carving out what was once a small mountain hill into a camp for military basis where Camp Vengeance began. Once the camp had been created though, the war began.

For months the two sides fought, and neither side was pleased with the results. Vorn and Orolunga whished the war to be won sooner, crying their men were far stronger than the weak creatures who were dying on the once white fields of Chult, whilst Beluarian was not happy with the stalemate, but refused to push further as it would cost too many innocent lives. During this time, a small group of holy warriors called the Gray Guard formed, and whilst they fought for Vorn and Orolunga, they never once killed men of the opposing sides. Instead, they would knock them unconscious, and bring them back to their camp, where they were held as prisoners. The Grey Guard and their prisoners would talk about the war, and their loves from opposing sides before the war, and how fruitless it all seemed.

This continued for months, as the white of the snow was now rarer to see than the dried red of dead soldiers from both sides. Discontent grew with the soldiers of both sides, the camp wishing they did not have to fight a war they wanted no part in, and Beluarian wanting nothing more than the senseless bloodshed to end. However, the Gray Guards had created a much larger force in their cells than expected and began to put their plans into motion. What once was a small band of ten or so men, had grown into almost five hundred people sharing idealistic views with the Gray Guards, and siding with their ways of warfare. The Gray Guard sought out a meeting with the military of Beluarian, both under the eyes of Vorn, as well as the Vorn sympathisers within the camp. The non-lethal choices made by the Gray Guard over the many months they fought had not fallen on closed eyes from Beluarian, and were it not for those actions, the Guard would have been killed the moment that they appeared in the enemies camp. They sat for hours, talking with the enemy, and telling them about a planned rebellion, but that they needed help from Beluarian to pull it off.

After receiving approval from their Righteous, Camp Vengeance had all it needed to begin sneaking men from Beluarian into the camp under the watchful eyes of their home cities. The fighting on the fields became easier, Beluarian soldiers surrendering and shrinking in numbers. The messengers sent out letters to their home cities that they were winning the war, and that within the next few days, Beluarian would fall to them. The Gray Guard had been sorting out who would support them, and who would turn against them and support their cities ill intents. When the time came, at night after messages had been sent of, the Gray Guard killed the messengers that would rat them out, and freed all the prisoners who had been kept for one purpose. A rebellion of three nations, against just one. Vorn.

When day broke, the messengers who were now Gray Guards sent of letters denoting how they had won the war, and were returning home with all they had rightfully earned. They were greeted with open arms, and strolled right past the general populous and headed for the castle of Vorn. When stopped by the guard, who were all undead thralls, the Gray Guard broke their cover, and along with their "prisoners" and the fighting force of a disguised Fort Beluarian, broke the undead guards and stormed the castle. It was not quick, nor simple, but it was clear that the three rebelling cities of Orolunga, Beluarian, and Vorn's people itself was going to be too much to handle for just one alone. The Gray Guards had powers that specialised in the destruction of Vorn's undead forces, and though many lives were lost of all nations, at the end of a three day siege, Vorn and its noble populous had been razed, with the general lower class populous being given shelter in Camp Righteous until they could find shelter elsewhere.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
The Camp of the Watching Shield
Inhabitant Demonym
Rebellious Eyes


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