
Central is the largest city in Chult, with a population of 750,000 people and a two day journey from one end to the other. Located within the city are various mages and mercenaries of all kinds, but not as knowledgeable as a place such as Dungrunglung.


The royal Dowel bloodline. Central is currently ruled over in a democratic monarchy by the royal bloodline of the Dowel. Currently the members of this line are, Yuuraga (King and father), Faeria Telluwa (Queen and mother), and their two daughters.


Ground Level:
Scales n' Ale
The Best Inn in Chult, run by Glitz [Ge-lit-z] and his assistant Var'Alyn [Var-al-ine]. This extradimensional inn is so long you cant even see the end upon entering it. This inn always seems to have enough rooms to house guests no matter how many appear to be in them.   Alabaster Halls Library
The largest and most exclusive library in Vonton, kept by Kiennavalyriss [Key-enna-vel-are-iss] and her underlings. It is said to contain knowledge that only those who have existed since the beginning of time could know, and any question that a creature could have, has its answers in this library.   The Monolithium Tower
The home of an incredible powerful spellcaster known as Kari [Car-ree]. It's also a place where large experimental magic for the kingdom may take place.   Dowel Highcastle
The highcastle of the royal Dowel bloodline. This building covers many parts, such as military housing, baths, dinning rooms, and more.   The Royal Brigade Headquarters
A mercenary brand approved by the king and his armies. They work under a strict moral code, and will not deviate from it for any reason.   Estraron’s Exotics
A shop filled with many pets normally unobtainable in other parts of Vonton. Everything from Blinkdogs, to Chult's fabled Puggons.   The Babuda Workshop
A seemingly small and quite shop, revealing itself to be an extradimensional space is filled with many magical trinkets and items. Run by the three exotic Firbolg Babuda brothers, this shop holds anything from a small workshop dragon, to Bags of Devouring.   The Grinndore Forge
This forge has its entire staff filled with ginger bearded Dwarves, of all different heights and colours. The forge itself is run by a rather large 5 foot Kobold with black scales with red veins named Grinndore [Grin-door].   Holy Church of Divine Gods
An Incredibly large and holy church, that is used as the worship place of multiple gods that are non-evil. The church itself has internal ranking systems, but does allow commoners who aren't a member to join in ceremonies.   Swordmaster's Peak:
A small outcropping in Central near the port. Its the home of well trained Samurais and Ninjas from times long ago. The land is kept natural with vegetation from the blood forests, and as such is able to ignore the withering incurred by the icy depths of Chult.   Delegated Spears
The fighting ring of the lawful fighters. A long list of rules is provided, and the matches is under constant watch. It is mainly used as a place for mercenaries to hone their skills, rather than those thirsting for a true fight.    
Congregation Centre
The central meeting point for High Mages and powerful spellcasters to discuss and compare magic and notes. Kept underground due to the nature of some spellcasters powerful abilities.   The Golden Hideout
The lair for many a dragon that is peaceful and wishes to seek a life near a community of humanoids. Whilst it is part of the underground, there is a large hole in the centre of the entrance that allows dragons to freely fly in and out of the hideout.   Crypt Cutters
A group of less than moral mercenaries. Typically used when The Royal Brigade refuse an idea, as the Crypt Cutter, whilst more experienced and efficient, are significantly more pricey.   No Man's Land
A rather large Inn located in the same position as Scales n' Ale but hundreds of feet below. The Inn is hosted by a rowdy crew of ex-pirates, and tends to attract the same patronage.   Blackened Tomes
This library is filled specifically with books dedicated to the arts of less than moral kin. Everything from new classes of magic, to gruly fighting tactics can be found within this place.   Blood and Blade
While Delegated Spears focuses on being proper, and having a fight with rules and morals, the Blood and Blade knows what its fighter and audiences want. A bloody and brutal fight. Many fights are held here, from fisticuffs to spell slingers.
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Characters in Location


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