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Babble the Bard

Babble the bard is a famous pseudonymous author and musician, although some might call them a journalist or historian. Their gimmick is that, in their words, "all of my stories are 99% true; I always add a single falsehood, to keep me entertained and you on your toes." Approximately 150 books are under their name, with about 90 of them being credibly from the same person, with the earliest coming from over two hundred years ago. Many people believe that Babble is actually a title, like "The Dread Pirate Roberts", and that at least 3 generations of Babbles have come and gone.   Nobody knows who Babble is or what they look like. Their books are typically written as first-person travelogues, wherein Babble is in disguise. They are typically a peasant or a bard, but is a number of books they kidnap or pay off an important official or diplomat and impersonate them! Their stories often highlight and expose corruption or tragedy in the places they visit, typically war-torn areas or the exclusive circles of the elite. They are wildly popular due to their entertaining and digestible prose, and because debating "where's Babble's bullshit" (the single guaranteed lie in each story) is a popular passtime.   Babble's manuscripts are published by the Worldsingers in Farsight, where the final drafts are deposited on the doorstep overnight.

Personality Characteristics


Babble admits their motivation is simply to "have fun and enjoy the world while it lasts, and maybe give you all a bit of the experience too", but most people don't actually buy it. Babble spends a lot of time getting into dangerous and uncomfortable situations in order to get a good story, especially to make someone important look like a glutton or a fool, so they clearly have some kind of journalistic code. But since they also commit multiple thefts and swindles in their stories, it's unclear what exactly their code is.



Babble's narrative voice is typically mocking and witty, and they spend much of their time mentally insulting people they don't like in creative ways. They seem to enjoy roughing it, taking personal risks, and nearly getting killed by guards. While they generally seem quite clever, they have a self-admitted weakness for gambling, and usually begin (or end) their stories flat broke from it.


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Aug 3, 2024 23:17 by Salmon Man

Great article! Has anyone from the Worldsingers ever tried to catch the Babble during the night delivery?