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Deianira Arìmitore-Pascual

Deianira Arìmitore-Pascual

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

White skin, white hair in a long braid with loose pieces in front, solid red eyes, black double set of horns (one curving back over top of head as pictured, one lower curving around ears like ram horns), skinny (little bit malnourished its rough out there), black dragon scale patterns on skin all over body (shoulders/chest, forearms, waist/hips, slightly spiky/raised scales along spine), tail with triangle point on end (fades from white to dragon scale black at end), black claw-like fingernails.

Apparel & Accessories

All black or other dark/neutral colors, clearly well worn and a bit dirty. Cloak with large hood, sleeveless top made of lots of crisscrossing/wrapping strips of fabric, long fingerless gloves under protective leather wrist gauntlets, tight cloth pants, tall leather boots that go up over her knees with protective knee pads, belt with a few pouches and a holstered dagger at each side.

Mental characteristics




Early schooling in home village, taught magic mostly informally by dad and then Azrael.


Thieves' Guild

Failures & Embarrassments

The horse debacle.

Mental Trauma


Intellectual Characteristics

ISTP 6w5 sx/sp 684

Morality & Philosophy

Chaotic neutral, very hesitant to trust others, looks out for herself, does what she has to do to survive, doesn't see herself as a good person (spoiler: is a better person than she thinks she is)

Personality Characteristics


At the moment mainly just survival

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Charismatic and dexterous, but physically weak and not as strong at magic as she "should" be

Virtues & Personality perks

Independent, practical, witty, adaptable

Vices & Personality flaws

Overly independent, distrustful of others, closed off emotionally, not much faith in herself/her own morality.


Contacts & Relations

Elara Arìmitore - Mother. Moon elf, artist, lives in small village south of Aietel. Ysme - Neutral evil roguelock yuan-ti higher up in the thieves' guild. 25ish y/o. Former mentor, now "friend" Azrael - Patron Aerin - Moon elf friend/ex, her age, from home village. Left for a wizard apprenticeship in Farsight at age 16ish, they haven't spoken since

Family Ties

Father comes from a line of human draconic sorcerers, mostly fairly accomplished adventurers, from a different world. Mother's family is all moon elves, just normal commoners, a few with slight magical gifts (mainly druidic) but nothing major.

Religious Views

Not religious. Mother is casually religious/spiritual.

Social Aptitude

Very charismatic but usually in a deceptive/intimidating way, not as good at being friendly/persuasive in a positive way.


Moves lightly and purposefully. Good hand eye coordination/fine motor control/etc. Typically likes to appear attractive/alluring in an intimidating way, does not appear approachable.

Hobbies & Pets

Likes to sketch


Meg from hercules. This applies to most of her mannerisms/personality tbh

Wealth & Financial state

N/A lol

Tiefling (formerly half elf) draconic sorcerer / fiend warlock

View Character Profile
Chaotic neutral
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common, elven, draconic

Session 4 Recap (mega session)

  • Arrived at the Behar dig and long rested before entering the site
  • Found a hidden door to an office that appeared to belong to a dead alchemist. His spirit was still lingering there. We got a vial of acid which supposedly is for the second floor situation
  • Went down a nearby hallway and found a fleshy wall with two mind flayers in stasis pods (also learned what mind flayers are)
  • Found a super secret door in the mind flayer room that led to a mysterious portal surrounded by more fleshy stuff and crystals. Went through the portal and appeared in the lair of a beholder. Immediately realized that witohut magic we could NOT beat it, so Thalia and Roland immediately left. Unfortunately the beholder went before Deianira in initiative and ALMOST killed her with a death ray REALLY CLOSE CALL but whatever all good she dodged and left
  • Went down a hallway to the right where we found some old torture rooms with notches in the floor collecting the blood from prisoners into a blood moat
  • Went into a nearby room and saw skeletons stirring a big vat of blood. Fought the skeletons and two blood elemental type monsters that appeared. Roland's ammo got wet very unfortunately
  • Poured a fentanyl potion into the blood vat so all the blood was laced with fent
  • Went back to the main entrance room where one of the mind flayers had woken up and was attacking us (along with a weirdly very frightening spectator). Fought it, went pretty well, found out Roland can walk on walls/ceilings
  • Went back up through the blood vat room into a hallway full of freaky vampire sex paintings, then found a chest (trapped) with a magic rope (Rope of Freak), command word is "fuck you" but we do not know how to deactivate it
  • Ran through the weird psychic mist room into a big lounge with iron maidens, poured fent blood into a pedestal, it opened a big iron maiden and a vampire wizard guy (the alchemist from earlier?) fell out, drank the fent blood, and passed out
  • Stole that guy's magic items and tied him up with the freak rope
  • Finally ventured into the central room with the stairs leading down, woke up a vampire guard and fought it and a few imps, tragic fight, Roland's gun kept breaking and Deianira got downed, Thalia lowkey soloed but also forgot she had daylight the whole time
  • (this part happened in my head) Deianira was passed out dying and saw her dead dad and talked to him about how this mission was making her feel like a real adventurer like him but she didn't know if she was strong enough, he gave her a little pep talk or something
  • Thalia tried to kill the vampire wizard guy who was still passed out but Deianira wouldn't let her, they argued a little (note from me: interesting that you would argue that a person who was turned into a different and stereotypically evil race against their will is inherently evil and a threat HMM)
  • Sat down to short rest after that terrible fight, decided to stay up in the first floor for the rest of the day/night to rest before venturing further into the dungeon
  • Session 2-3 Recap

  • Deianira's patron, Azrael, showed up in the middle of the night, told her to steal the one piece, and gave us horses (devil horse and donkey)
  • Travelled to a town where a gnome artificer had accidentally unleashed a large combine powered by elemental energy
  • Fought many dust mephits and turned off the combine, Thalia accidentally summoned a fire elemental
  • Town threw us a party
  • Thalia had a strange dream (fiery meteor shooting towards her, fire blazing away bone dust on a stone floor, bright star being pierced by an arrow)
  • Confirmed Deianira is working with a devil, but pact was made with good intentions
  • Met a really pathetic little goblin dude, Thalia flashbanged him (really mean of her tbh)
  • Met a Kite Knight who brought us to a cloud giant, we were tasked to find and subdue his pet bulette Betty
  • Fought and subdued Betty and gave her back to the giant
  • Early in the morning, the fire elemental showed back up and talked to Thalia about its existential crisis, then it left to consume more stuff and supposedly find a life purpose or something
  • Made it to Dunheim territory, close to the Behar Dig
  • Found out Roland "came in" from somewhere (bro def fell from the sky)
  • Had a beach episode segment. No memory of this
  • Fought and killed three manticores (fireballed them and Roland shot one through its wings)
  • Arrived at the Behar Dig!
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