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Halfling Hospitality

Halfling groups in Vorago practice strict laws of xenia; they will nearly always host travelers in need, feed them, and even hide them if asked. Each village typically has a guest house or two left available for brief stays.   It doesn't matter what the guest's history was before asking for aid; an orc raider could ask for some food on the way back from raiding a human city, so long as they're polite about it and promise not to raid the halflings' village. This extreme neutrality can give rise to ill-sentiment by other races, who see the halflings as protecting outlaws or criminals (which, to be fair, they sometimes do).   This tradition leads to most halfling villages hosting a number of odd characters at any given time; adventuring parties, outlaws on the run, vacationing wizards, eloped human farmers, and wandering ascetics may all inhabit the same large boarding house for a day or two. Some halfling villages on main roads even center their local economy on travelers.   Some travelers may become so enamored by the quaint, peaceful life of the halfling villager that they may elect to stay and build their own home (so long as they retain the good will of the village). Thus, each village often has a few quirky permanent non-halfling residents in addition to their temporary guests.


The hospitality tradition has always been around to some degree, but really solidified to doctrine during the Fire Wars as many halfling villages took in refugees throughout the conflicts. Small-scale sustainable halfling farming practices and strong political neutrality allowed halfling settlements to come out of the conflict relatively unscathed by the fires (sometimes literal) of war. During the golden age this tradition evolved to mutually benefit the increased amount of international trade and voyaging, including the construction of the large halfling boarding houses which are a staple of most roadside settlements. During the Brothers' War, halfling settlements again remained mostly untouched. The Destabilization, again, had relatively little effect on halfling life and hospitality due to their emphasis on small-scale sustainability. In fact, the sudden disappearance of fast magical travel led to increaased foot traffic and even more halfling success.

Components and tools

After hundreds of years, halfling hospitality has standardized to include a large halfling-run boarding house in each settlement, an area outside of town with small shrines to the Patchwork, and a tall-friendly large tavern which serves as the town hub for outsiders (halfling-only discussions are held elsewhere).


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Aug 19, 2024 01:37 by Deleyna Marr

I think I'd enjoy one of these settlements. I'd be the type to stay...
