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List of Fallen High-Power Civilizations/Empires

This list serves to describe which historical groups had the greatest impacts on Vorago. Also, they are likely to have "badass and/or cursed ancient artifacts up for grabs". This list is in roughly chronological order.   1. The Originators The oldest and most mysterious empire, there are almost no relics from the Founding Era left. Very few buildings and few surviving magics. 2. The Erythraeans The Erythraean civilzation and its relics and magics has been relatively well preserved in the Bloodless Citadel. Given their vampiric origins, all of their shit tends to involve blood or necromancy, and much has survived the Destabilization (although often slightly altered). They were prolific builders, though most of their holdings were destroyed by their subjects later. 3. The Illithids The Illithid invasion of 745 introduced many major and minor psionic artifacts to Vorago, but was relatively quickly contained. Many of the most impressive works were of flesh and have since decayed to dust, but some psionic tools remain. 4. The Dwarves Dwarves have been building and crafting since time immemorial. Though they had less of an impact than these other groups, they've persisted for much longer. Dwarves build to last; any abandoned buildings or items are often still in working condition! Ancient dwarven magics usually survived the Destabilization. 5. The Draconic Empire The draconic empire conquered nearly the whole of vorago before descending into civil war. They build huge monuments to their emperor and massive palaces to fit themselves; most of these have been repurposed and modified but are still around. They didn't have much unique magical talent of their own; being a dragon sort of covers all the bases already. 6. The Elvish Protectorate The Elvish Protectorate had over 500 years of unchallenged dominance; though they were not as ambitious or quick as other empires, the extra years they had to create their buildings and artifacts makes them extremely well-constructed, and they usually survived the Destabilization. Most ancient elven things are controlled by the current elven powers, but there are still plenty of lost items that belonged to fringe groups or independent elven adventurers. 7. The Magocratos The Magocratos ruled in contest with the Protectorate for hundreds of years, and built a massive literary and cultural tradition that lives on. The Magocratos had the highest quantity and diversity of magical items, as well as the most recent and complete cultural impact. A huge number of their stuff is now useless or dangerous junk after the Destabilization, but that still leaves plenty in rough working condition.


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