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When Vorago's physical body enters a solar system with another inhabited planet, it ceases to be a comet and instead becomes a new continent on that planet. This effect lasts roughly until Vorago's comet trajectory would take it out of the system (even though it's not physically travelling as a comet during that time). Astrologers on the other planet would see a comet fade out of and then back into existence as it approaches and then leaves the system
  Seamelds happen roughly every 100-150 years, and usually only last around 1-2 years (the comet slows down during that time, for some reason).
  During a seameld, Vorago can be accessed across the ocean (in an indeterminate direction but usually from the east or west) by explorers on that planet. This may lead to trade, invasion, or who knows what! Vorago natives can also cross over the other way, but it is unreliable; sometimes they will be turned around after crossing the horizon. Ships carrying items and entities with more magical potency seem to be more likely to be "turned around".
  When a seameld is not active, sailing a ship over the horizon will result in it being turned around, usually in a fog bank. Since The Destabilization, they will occasionally arrive on the other side of the continent instead, but this is inconsistent.


Seamelds have no visual tell, and can only be detected either through trial and error or precise arcane equipment (though their reliability is dodgy). Turnarounds are often, but not always, accompanied by fog banks. They are otherwise imperceptible to those on the ship.
Metaphysical, Astral


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