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Leprosy in Halden

Ulvad is a country that is mostly untouched by the Storm at least in the traditional sense. That does not spare the land from plights akin to famine and disease. Leprosy is an incredibly contagious bacterial disease that stiffens and drys out the skin to the point of losing cartilage like that of the ears, joints, and nose. A wound to a Leper is more often than not fatal. Those with Leprosy live in colonies with others unfortunate enough to have contracted it. Most common in Halden, many pious people leave offerings of pity out for such people like soap, food, beer, and bandages. Many say prayers for these unfortunate souls, but they always go unheard.   Centuries ago, Ulvad had thought to be rid of Leprosy thanks to the advanced quarantining techniques employed by the serfdoms. In the last few decades, Leprosy has made a devastating return, leaving nearly 30% of the population of Halden dead or suffering. While nations like Sulaste and Carovige might beg their neighbors for help, the Theocracy stubbornly refuses assistance from their neighboring kingdoms, believing that the power of faith will extinguish this stain on humanity.   In reality, the Church has made inhumane efforts to burn and extinguish any sort of Leper colonies once they have determined their locations. Brutal and wicked, they turn these unfortunate societies to ash in secret, though many have begun to question the great stacks of smoke burning in the horizon. The Church's claim is that they are "eliminating threats to humanity". This is to get around a tenet of the Church of Aedil: thy shall speak only in truths.   Many serfs are hailing a new "prophet" that has been a victim of Leprosy himself. The Bleeding Man is a fellow that wears a robe about his waist so that he may show to the world the lesions, sores, and he bares. He speaks of healing and that with time and faith in Aedil that he may one day stop bleeding, but until then he lives only due to his faith alone. Little is known about this hairless man save the fact he has rekindled the faith amongst those who have faltered due to this sickness. Those with the Church of Aedil keep a close eye on him and treat him well. They take special care as to make sure he never finds out about the atrocities committed against his fellow Lepers.

Transmission & Vectors

The people of Halden believe that Leprosy is spread through smelling foul scents like that of those infected. In reality, it is spread through bodily excretions such as sneezing, coughing, and waste.


This new string of Leprosy in Halden is far more deadly than its predecessor. Many have thick and dry patches of skin and painless growths on the body. Some unfortunate souls have incredibly painful lesions on the skin. Those that have lived with it long enough have been known to lose their noses, ears, and extremities such as fingers and toes or even whole hands and feet.


In Halden, there is no currently known way to treat or cure this new mutation. Many have attempted traditional techniques but none have worked.


This form of Leprosy starts with lesions on the skin. Over the course of 6-12 months, it can develop several symptoms that are different person by person. Loss of hair, growths on the skin, painless lumps on the face, patchy skin on the soles of feet, etc. A vast majority of those with this particular form of leprosy suffer from a lack of blood clotting. When wounded, it is incredibly hard to stop the bleeding. Accidentally biting your lip, tongue, or cheek could be fatal. Those that survive beyond the initial 6-12 months experience various symptoms such as paralysis of the limbs, loss of extremities, and blindness.

Affected Groups

Serfs are typically those who suffer from Leprosy as it began its spread in a few small farming communities.


According to the Church of Aedil, the best way to avoid becoming infected is to stay as far away as possible from Lepers and Leper parties.


Leprosy has been in Ulvad for as long as humans have. It is widely regarded as incurable and nearly untreatable. The general consensus is that Lepers are to quarantine to prevent further spread.

Cultural Reception

Those infected with Leprosy know well that they are to be cast out. As such, most willingly leave. Halden takes pity on Lepers and often leaves offerings of food and beverage for them alongside clean bandages and soap. Some people from Halden believe that Leprosy is a curse from those who worship Hell and others believe that is a divine punishment for sins such as lechery, murder, witchery, etc.
Chronic, Acquired

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