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The realm of Vostroya could be described as heartless, wondrous, and utterly, dangerous. Within Vostroya, it consists of 7 dilapidated realms. Beaumont, known for war torn landscape, abandoned forts and battlements, the soil of Beaumont bleeds crimson. It has bred the most scum-ridden towns in the realm of Vostroya. However, Beaumont isn't the only continent familiar with war. The Moldoveanu mountains inhabited by the drwaves of Grune Uhr and Dawn City, have been waging war with the human/elf populated Golden Spire. The Golden Spire, are known for their tactical prowess, holds the seat of Wine Country all the way down to the Emerald Neck, but they cannot reach through the Moldoveanu Mountains, so they've been in disarray for a century. The brutal freeze of the Hinterlands hold not much more the myths and whispers of reigns undone.

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