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Dwarvish Communes


The Dwarvish Communes are the two largest areas of Dwarvish territory that remain after the Great Dwarven Wars of 2897-2963 AK. During the preceding era, the Dwarvish kingdoms of Dohir, Vounas, and Thrundad were among the most powerful kingdoms on both continents. In the time since their crushing defeat by the Elf and Satyr kingdoms, the Dwarves of Vrashyn have turned away from a life of conquest and remade their society along egalitarian and communal lines. Though both groups of communes share this much, their distance has resulted in significant cultural differences.  


Dohir is a mountainous land in Northeast Laivra. Aside from Dwarves, it is populated by Goliaths, Dragonborn, Genasi, and the occasional Gnome Artificer or mage. The Dwarves of Dohir operate the most productive gemstone mines in Vrashyn, and their success allowed them to slowly amass a fortune that ensures an easy life for all who live among them. The Dwarves of Dohir are more trusting of outsiders and less committed to the communal life than their kinsmen in Rhovra.  


Vounas is a mountainous land in Northern Rhovra. It's population is almost exclusively of Dwarvish descent due to the resentment that these Dwarves feel to the Elves and Satyrs that surround them. While the mines of Vounas are not nearly as productive as those of Dohir, the Dwarves of Vounas are renowned for their weaponsmithing. The mines and forges of Vounas are hidden behind heavy fortifications and gaining entrance to them as a non-Dwarf usually requires years of trust-building.  


According to the laws agreed upon by the various communes of Vounas and Dohir, all full-blooded Dwarves are born with the right to travel freely between the two lands and settle where they wish, though communities that feel overburdened by migration can appeal to limit this right. Those of partial Dwarvish heritage also have this right if they have a living relative already living within the communes. Removing this right, a process called ousting, is the most common criminal punishment in the communes.
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