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The most widespread and populous race on Vrashyn, Humans are known for being able to do anything anyone else can do, but just a little bit worse. In this setting, both the standard and alternate human races exist, representing the conflict between specialization and versatility that many Humans grapple with in their early life. While not intrinsically more varied than any other culture on Vrashyn, Human cultural diversity has blossomed after centuries of migration: Humans hunt in bands in the Ereki wilderness, trade on the Dohirin Coast, farm in the fields of Siligond, and live in autonomous villages in The Outlands, among other places.  


Humans on Vrashyn have the same range of features as we do, though they average a shorter height and lower weight more typical of pre-modern humans due to a lack of consistent nutrition. Humans ethnicity tends to match that of the Elves, Halflings, and Gnomes they live near; despite their racial differences, each species evolved in similar ways to deal with their surroundings. Though we may think of humans as not having distinguishing features, other races find the roundness of their facial features particularly unusual in a universe where so many have pointed ears or horns of some kind. For clothing, Humans tend to make use of whatever fabrics they can produce in their area. They usually wear plain cotton and wool clothes unless they’re able to afford finer.  


Most often chaotic neutral, the Humans of Vrashyn value individualism and freedom above most other goals. Their ancient empire, once covering much of Laivra, lives on only in the Ice Counties and the few cities of the Dohirin Coast where humans still rule. As a result, Humans must usually submit to rule by others or seek freedom in inhospitable regions like Erek and The Outlands. Humans are less well-adjusted to this situation than Gnomes and Halflings, especially in places like Northern Laivra where the conquest of their territory was more recent. Though long gone, the Human Empire continues to leave a mark on Vrashyn: its language (Common) and the remnants of its religion (Spiorady are the most widespread on Vrashyn.  


Humans have a deserved reputation for versatility, not being the best at any particular craft or area of study but having some representation in most fields. Most Humans work as farmers, craftspeople, or soldiers. Though not as naturally tied to mechanics as Gnomes, Humans often live in close proximity to ancient machines and seem the most resistant to their ill effects. Humans are also remarkable architects, able to construct large stone buildings without the aid of magic. Considered second only to Elves in the beauty of their voices, song is the most widespread form of artistic expression in Human communities, and many Bards are Human. When not farming or working at a trade, many Humans enjoy competitive games, both mental and physical. The Humans of Cirithas, for example, are famed for creating games of strategy and chance.  


Most Humans on Vrashyn are found in cities, where their traditional ways of living are usually fused with those of other cultures. Humans who still live in the countryside often do so in Gnomish or Halfling villages. Human children usually only get an education if they live in the city, and are expected to begin their early adulthood by the age of 14 or 15 in either case. While Humans in cities are generally accepting of a wide variety of genders and sexual orientations, those in the countryside sometimes adhere to the “god(s) made you perfect the way you are” argument seen among many religious extremists. Despite this, Humans often settle conflicts and cement alliances with sex, a tradition that scholars believe explains why there are so many Half-Humans on Vrashyn.  

Relations with Others

Humans aren’t particularly liked or disliked by most races, who see them as harmless and respect them as capable craftspeople and farmers. Humans have the best relationship with Halflings, with whom they share significant cultural overlap. Humans have a more mixed relationship with Elves and Satyrs, who they consider beautiful beacons of culture or uncaring oppressors depending on which Human you talk to. Lastly, Rural Humans have a specific hatred of Dragonborn due to years of Dragon predation.
Ability Score Increase Your ability scores each increase by 1.   Variant Human As an alternative to the above, you may choose to take any feat for which you qualify but you only get two ability score increases.   Age Humans reach adulthood in their middle teens and live less than a century.   Alignment Humans are most often chaotic neutral but can occupy any alignment.   Size Humans vary widely in height and build, from barely 5 feet to well over 6 feet tall. Regardless of your position in that range, your size is Medium.   Speed Your base walking speed is 30 feet.   Languages You can speak, read, and write Common and one extra language of your choice. Humans typically learn the languages of other peoples they deal with, including obscure dialects. They are fond of sprinkling their speech with words borrowed from other tongues: Orc curses, Elvish musical expressions, Dwarvish mining terminology, and so on.
Population Map

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