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Tana Serado

Tana Serado is a half-alive High Elf Rogue who currently works as an adventurer in Northeast Laivra, predominantly in Cirithas. She has been a member of The Party since its founding.  


Tana's earliest memory is being resurrected after friendly locals pulled her out of the Washujin Channel. She credits the Satyr god Dionysus with her resurrection and honors him as a result. She has few clues about her previous life. Her skin tone and place of resurrection suggest that she likely came from Taurtofna or Siligond, but many Elves are well-travelled, so even this is uncertain. However, characters familiar with the High Elf culture of Southern Rhovra could make an educated guess by making a successful Culture check. The Party became aware of Tana's undead nature in Qilora when she survived a drowning at the hands of the Church of Corellon.  

Burning Path

When Ignatius used Heat Metal on Tana and Alagalph during The Party's final confrontation with the Burning Path, it was revealed that Tana had a piece of metal inserted into her heart. The Burning Path  did this to all its members as a form of leverage and symbol of their dedication to Mithras. It is unclear exactly what involvement Tana had in the Burning Path.

Lineage: Elf

Class: Rogue

Gender: Woman

Profession: Adventurer

Religion: Dionysus

Home: Sakilos

Family: Unknown

Groups: The Party

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