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Clan Killer Ishval (a.k.a. Hunter)

He was a hunter for his clan till one day he killed them all and set of to kill over vampires and mortals that hurt innocents with no reason as he saw it fit to try and repent for his action.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ice White skin with pricing red eyes with black marks around them. Snow White hair long and in a bun.

Body Features

Scares all over body. Mainly whip marks on back that look like they have been their for thousands of years.

Facial Features

Paint around eyes and holes in bottom lips from were fangs have pierced.

Identifying Characteristics

Ice White skin Snow White hair and Red eyes plus the fangs from being a vampire.

Physical quirks


Special abilities

Vampiric Exultation

Apparel & Accessories


Mental characteristics

Personal history

I was a hunter in my tribe from beginning of my existence. I killed and captured people from their homes and villages so we could feed then one day saw the problems with what I was doing and decided to kill my clan now I'm haunted by the visons of those I killed. I know spend the rest of my days hunting down vampires and killing them as well as mortals that try to kill me or over mortals and I uses them to feed. I keep to my self and don't talk unless I'm talked to to be respectful and so people don't see my teeth and get to scared. I have walked the earth for nearly 11,000 years however I don't remember much of my life as its been so long, most of it was just traveling throw the wild and I only clearly remember the people I killed.

Gender Identity





Got told information from vampires and learned on the road as well information got out of people I met on the road.


Don't have one do odd jobs around and also help people I can.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Killed my clan and over vampires I find that are hurting mortals that don't deserve it.

Failures & Embarrassments

Falling for the tricks of vampires and killing undeserving mortals.

Mental Trauma

See ghosts and visions of the people I killed and they haunt me for ever.

Intellectual Characteristics

Read books and speak 5 other languages over than common.

Morality & Philosophy

Mortals who hurt innocent people need to be killed or converted in to helping in the killing of mortals who deserve. Vampires need to be killed unless they are having a normal life not hurting anyone who is not okay with it.


Killed clan when in their sleep as well as kidnapped many mortals and killed many as well.

Personality Characteristics



Savvies & Ineptitudes

Knows how to fight with every weapon and can fight even when blind. Speak 5 languages.

Likes & Dislikes

Dislike Vampires that hunt mortals that don't deserve it and mortals that hunt mortals that don't deserve it. Like books and training.

Virtues & Personality perks

Kills vampires and mortals that are deserving.

Vices & Personality flaws

I see sprits of those I killed but know one else sees them. If I lose control I could become the savage I use to be.

Personality Quirks

Silent and keeps to self but gets paranoid when finds vampires,


Try's to keep clean but is okay with getting dirty.


Contacts & Relations

No family relationships and also no contacts

Family Ties

All dead.

Religious Views

Don't trust them anymore.

Social Aptitude

Silent and trying to keep to my self.


Calm and collective unless sees a vampire then gets on edge and ready to kill till proven not to be harmful to innocents.

Hobbies & Pets

Likes to read and train.


Posh and well mannered.

Wealth & Financial state


Killed his clan as he didn't agree with their ideals then set of hunting overs he saw as deserving.

View Character Profile
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Clan Killer. Betrayer. Hunter.
Date of Birth
21st of June
Current Residence
Crimson Red
Snow White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ice White
Quotes & Catchphrases
Accept pain, Know pain, Feel pain
Known Languages
Vampire, Giant, Common, Undercommon, Elvish and Dwarvish

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