Abgrund, City of Armor

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Abgrund is a city located on the edge of the Mountains of Cil in the nation of Galleska. Six orders of knights make the city their home but the most well known is the Scionic Order fo the Abyss, an order of knights known for their dark armor made from Moissanite Crystals

The City was built long ago during the Bronze Age. Back then, there were copper mines located all around the city and it was known for making heavy brass armor. Later after Iron was discovered and refined from the surrounding hills, the city became known for making Steel armor of several varieties. Abgrund is still known nearly three thousand years into the Iron Age for making the best chainmail and plate armor in the world.

Hundreds and hundreds of would-be smiths from around the world make their journey to the city to learn the art of making armor. Hundred more would-be knights journey here to join one of the Six orders of knights. Many are turned away and many more are sent to work in the mines in the surrounding hills. The few that do manage to acquire their goals in this city are the best of the best at what they do.

While the city is under the control of the kingdom of Galleska, the knights rule the city themselves. The six knightly orders are all part of the church and carry out the teachings of Saint Nora. That aside, they act in a mercenary capacity to the nation that will pay them the most. Even Galleska has to pay for their use in battle or they may find themselves facing down void plate equipped knights that are nearly impossibly to kill.


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