Aluminum Material in Vreathe | World Anvil
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Aluminum is a Triel element (including Boron, Gallium, Indium, and Thallium), and as such has low conductivity to mana and a high tendency to resist the effects of mana. Along with the element Boron, it is one of the most common Mana Shields, though nowhere close to the most effective. The Element is highly reflective to light when polished, though it slowly oxidized when exposed to the air. This does not make it good at reflecting mana.

Aluminum is good at shielding against mana, though the physical strength of the material leaves much to be desired. The element is often shaped into thin sheets that are layered on top of Iron based armor to increase success against magic attacks. Some mages will wear Aluminum chainmail over thick cloth armor. While useless against weapons, it is very effective at blocking magic.

Aluminum is a difficult element to conjure by inexperienced mages, but it can still be done. More commonly it is found in the environment combined with other elements. Bauxite is a type of sedimentary rock that had large amounts of aluminum. There are also metallic veins of the element that naturally occur in volcanoes. The volcanic island chain in the seas north of Cassel have large deposits.

Aluminum also forms several different minerals. The ones that are useful to mages includes Beryls (formed with Beryllium), and Corundum (formed with Oxygen). Gemstone varieties of corundum, commonly called Rubies and Sapphires, are excellent for mana storage. Rubies are probably the best gemstone for storing Fire Magic, and Sapphires are the best gemstone for storing Ice Magic.

Another use for Aluminum is in projecting a weak field of mana around itself, usually Arcane Magic. This is accomplished by heating the aluminum to 200°C or more, which changes its properties slightly, allowing it to take a mana charge. when the element is cooled back down, the mana charge stays and won't weaken for several months. One of the most common uses for these charged aluminum sheets is placing on the bottom of shoes. The arcane mana-field projection will prevent the effects of magic based traps from triggering. Nearly every adventurer has a pair of shoes with aluminum built into the soles.

Atomic Number:
Phase of Matter:

Conjuring Cost:
Manipulation Cost:
Mana Types:

63 MP
6 MP
Metallic Mana Properties
Chemical Elements and interactions with Mana
Material | Nov 12, 2023

A High level overview of various chemical elements and how magic interacts with them on the World of Vreathe.


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