Flesh Dagger

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A long, flesh-covered dagger, somehow stuck through the eyes of a Goblin's skull. The flesh on the dagger can be peeled off to expose a blackened steel blade. The flesh quickly grows back when this is done. The Lower Jaw seems to move on its own, and can be used to bite onto living things to drain them of life energy.
"So this is where you were hiding Sentor... You commited crimes beyond what is acceptable for humanity, only for you to fall victim to the only things I would consider worse than vampires..."

"Good! I hope you suffered as much as your victims did!"
- Lucia

Length: 16 in Weight: 18 oz
Materials: Flesh-Covered Gem Steel (Handle and Blade), Goblin skull (Crossguard?)
Previous User: Sentor Sanguinis, Vampire

Sentor Sanguinis

Sentor Sanguinis, originally called Jean Cartier De Azure, was a powerful vampire lord, and a faithful servant to Lithane. He had a castle in the mountains near Esurian. He lived there for many hundreds of years.

The fact he was a vampire wasn't a very well kept secret, and Sentor was even the Count of Azure at one point. He kept the County of Azure and its baronies protected. He would feed on who he pleases and the people just accepted him for that. They were willing to accept the chance of dying to a vampire lord one day if it meant they had relatively peaceful lives otherwise.

Then, in 2790 I.A., an incident occured in another part of the country. A group of vampires attacked travellers and drained them of all their blood, including a young Verianna Vernador, who was the Crown Princess of Cassel. News of this quickly spread through the kingdom. Cassel's government worked much faster than they ever have, creating laws that finally banned vampirism. The King, Vernador XVII, raised a large army of vampire hunters. They spread across the Kingdom hunting them until there were none left or they went into hiding.

Sentor had to run and hide himself. He went into the wilds of Gwerra, and roamed the remote land for a few decades, living from cave to cave, praying on the local people there. One night he took shelter in a small cave on the border of the Elf-Kingdom of Ledo. That was his final night living on Vreathe. The Skull Dagger was one of his most prized possessions and that is how it came to rest in this cavern of Nameless Horrors.

"This dagger looks... ugh! I'm not touching that!" Saya used her weapon to move the dagger out of the way so she could continue searching for her gear. The moment her weapon made contact with the dagger, she felt a sharp pain in her head, with visions of a small creature, suffering during the creation of the dagger. "There's something inside the dagger... What the hell is this thing!?!"

"It's a Vampire weapon," Lucia responded, picking up the dagger. "The metal blade underneath is made of Bloody Gemsteel. This weapon is created by thrusting a dagger through a living beings skull. It traps their soul in the dagger, and keeps them in never-ending agony as their flesh attempts to regenerate. This weapon can dominate weaker minds with ease and it can greatly amplify blood magic."

Lucia held the dagger close to her face and closed her eyes, concentrating for a moment. When she opened her eyes, they starting glowing a deep sickly crimson color, "The poor thing inside this dagger is a goblin child. We should destroy this weapon and set it free..."

"So... how are we going to do that?" Saya Asked.

"You are a daughter of Saint Nora, are you not?" Lucia asked back, offering Saya the dagger. "You can exorcise the soul inside, sending the poor thing to the afterlife. That should undo the enchantment, leaving us with a plain black iron dagger."

"... alright, fine." Saya took the dagger. She held the skull with both hands and touched the forehead of the skull with her own. She started to concentrate, and as she did, white mist started to surround her. The mist slowly solidified as it covered Saya until it resembled a visage of Saint Nora. Saya then placed the dagger on the ground and lifted her hands. Blackened Mist started to pour out of the skull and solidified until it resembled the image of a small child. The being was afraid and he cowered in fear. It had suffered for so long.

Saya took a step back and let the misty form of Nora do her thing. Nora knelt down and offered the child her hand. The child looked up and he saw a kind, smiling woman. He reached out with his hand, trembling. Nora then grasped the hand and pulled the child closer to her. She then picked up the child and embraced him. The black mist making up the child slowly turned white, purified by the Saint and ready to enter Meliheal and the afterlife.

Nora turned around to look at Saya. Saya was quite annoyed to have to summon her, but Nora simply smiled and nodded her head before the mist composing her form dissipated.

The skull surrounding the dagger disintegrated and the flesh covering the dagger fell apart, revealing an almost black blade. Saya reached down and picked up the dagger. The soul inside was truly free. Saya then looked up to see Luca smiling.

Saya glared at her, "What?!?"

"Oh nothing!" Lucia laughed, "Just that you really are what you say you aren't!"

Saya threw the dagger on the ground and turned away in anger. For all the lying she does about herself, in this moment she can't deny that she still is a Vernador, "Just... Just help me find my stuff! Alright?"

Nameless Horrors III.5
Next:: ((coming Soon))


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