Oxeye Daisy Species in Vreathe | World Anvil
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Oxeye Daisy

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Do you recall my previous writings about the Intent behind Aether when it is created by a powerful being? This intent seeps into the Aether, changing its magical characteristics, corrupting it slightly from its pure form.

As an example of how this worked in mythical times, let us use the Elder Goddess Yanneth and one of her daughters, Flora. To prepare for the coming of the Golden Humans, Yanneth fashioned many of the plants we know today, from the greatest trees to the simplest mosses. Her intent behind each one was weaved with the aether she created, giving the tiniest of magical properties to these things. For example, she wanted Oak Trees to be strong and resistant to the elements, and the aether found in oak trees can be used for strong defensive magics.

This practice extended to her children. Flora created a great number of the world's flowers, giving each a purpose. One example is that of the common Oxeye Daisy, known in some parts of Vreathe as a Moon Daisy. Oxeye is an overwhelmingly common plant that has annoyed farmers for many generations. It grows far out in the wilds just as much as it does next to civilization. Flora fashioned it as a simple, pure, lovely flower that could be appreciated by everyone. Her intent seeped into this flower on creation, giving it some specific magical properties that can be exploited and has been exploited by humans for thousands of years.

The flowers can be mixed into a herbal tea. Concentrated forms of this tea is one of the primary methods of purifying aetheric corruption (such as the Corruption of Maeos), though it cannot heal advanced stages of the sickness. It is so effective at removing corruption that these Pure Potions are sold throughout Vreathe and many travelers often carry several vials with them at all times.

Another use for the flower involves putting the flower petals in mana charged water along with Dried Carroway fruit and Cinnamon bark. The aether of each plant mixes in a specific way, and the specific mix was created through generations of trial and error. When someone drinks this potion, they are overcome with a feeling of love at the sight of the next person they see. Unfortunately or very fortunately, the effect is temporary, only lasting several days. Improper mixtures will not cause any feelings of love, but the overwhelming combination of different tastes and smells from these plants is said to be an effective way to instantly clear your sinuses!
- Salika


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Aug 15, 2023 06:07 by Deleyna Marr

I like the juxtaposition that it can cause love or clear your sinuses!
