The Primeval Gods of Vreathe

Article Contents

Long ago, there was nothing.

The Pirkwe looked out at the empty void, and was unhappy. So he reached into the darkness and created the Pireiyu. The Pirkwe had a task for the Pireiyu, to fill the void with everything, but the Rena ignored him.

The Pirkwe asked them if any would bear the burden of creation? Only one answered. He said that he would do it. "Then come Forward, Tarsur," The Pirkwe said. Tarsur went before The Pirkwe and was blessed.

"You will be the first Kerei, the first Rena, the first Creator!"
- Song of the Rena 1:1

The Earliest Days

Originally called The Pirkwe, Silnos is the creator of all that is. They created the entire universe, and are said to have created all universes beyond this one. But these universes were empty voids with nothing in them. Silnos created the Pireiyu to create the things that would fill the universe. None of the Pireiyu were willing to step forward to recieve the gift of creation, until Tarsur did.

Silnos imbued Tarsur with the greatest piece of creation. Tarsur then created the first light in the universe that quickly blew out. Inspired by this, many other Pireiyu went to Silnos to recieve their blessing and became the Rena, or Creators. Many, many Pireiyu were still unwilling to recieve the blessing of creation and as the universe was filled with light they retreated to the furthest edges, staying hidden, jealous of all that they saw.

The original creations of the Rena didn't last for very long. It was also very simple, just points of light and color. Frustrated, Tarsur went to Silnos and asked for the secrets of creation. Silnos put his hand forward and opened it, revealing a perfect sphere. He gave it to Tarsur, but Tarsur wasn't sure what to do with it.

The Eye of God. Some say they see a hand instead.

Silnos raised his other hand, revealing another perfect sphere. He threw it into the empty void, and all at once a great creation sprange out of the darkness, the first World Tree. It spread across infinity bearing infinite colors. Strange things grew out of the branches. It was life!

The Rena looked on at this creation in wonder. Many were inspired to create themselves, but most grew jealous of it. Silnos then lowered his hands, and the infinite creation caught on fire. It exploded outwards touching everything, spreading the ashes and embers to infinity.

Silnos told the Rena that he revealed to them a small piece of the secret of everything. He then gave each of the Rena a perfect sphere to start their own creations and sent them to the edges of the universe, now brightly lit by the embers.

All of the Rena went to their own pocket of the universe and tried to get their sphere to sprout into infinity, but none of them were successful. Even Tarsur, the one who was said to have recieved the greatest share of The Pirkwe's power, could not figure out how to get the sphere to sprout. Tarsur was going to go back to Silnos and ask for more of the secrets of everything, but then he noticed two of the Rena was close to him. They were Alom and Yanneth, who recieved the blesing of creation second.

The Tetrad and the Creation of Vreathe

The three each tried to get their spheres to sprout into creation, but nothing happened. The three spoke to each other and wondered what was going wrong. Tarsur noticed that Alom and Yanneth were each trying to get their sphere to sprout different than he was.

Tarsur thought that imposing order and entrophy on the sphere would get it to crack apart and sprout, but nothing happened. Alom tried to manipulate the fabric of space itself and stretch the sphere into infinity, but that did not work either. Yanneth had the greatest memory of the things known as "life" from the previous infinite creation, so she willed this life into the sphere, but nothing happened.

Soon a fourth Rena joined them. She was known as Nora, and Nora tried to manipulate time itself and attempt to speed up the sprouting of creation, but she too failed to make anything happen. Tarsur looked at each attempt to impose their own understanding of creation on their spheres, and they failed each time. This is when he realized they were doing it wrong.

Tarsur suggested they all apply their understanding of creation at the same time. When they did so, the four spheres combined into a single seed, a single world named Vreathe, and then it sprouted. A perfect form of life started to grow out of it. It was named Meliheal and it was the first tree. These four Rena became the Tetrad of Elder Gods.

The Growing Universe

Eventually many of the other Rena followed the example the Tetrad created, combining their power to create what became known as world seeds. These world seeds eventually grew into their own World Trees. The early universe once had a nearly infinite number of such trees, but none were as large or as healthy as Meliheal as it was the first and the Tetrad were very careful in shepherding its creation.

In time, Meliheal had grown far beyond it's original world. With the secrets of creation, the Tetrad harvested world seeds from Meliheal, and created countless other worlds that connected together. Their own powers over creation grew as well, extending and combining into new aspects. Tarsur and Nora had dozens of children or lesser gods, each with power over a specific aspect of creation. Alom and Yanneth did the same. Their pantheon grew. Other Rena followed this example and their pantheons also grew.

Then, a messenger of Silnos visited Vreathe to see the work of the Tetrad. He was named Tellars and was a Pireiyu with a special purpose. He told them that Silnos was pleased. Tellars visited other trees and was impressed at their growth as well. Other than some primeval powers that never became creators, the universe was a busy place in haromy and peace.

Then The Pirkwe rose from his throne, calling all to him. The Rena gathered before their creator, but the Pireiryu ignored him and hid.

The Pirkwe smiled when he spoke, "My Children I have a gift! A special people will arrive on your worlds! They will worship you and give you praise. Shepherd their growth and more will come! The Tetrad grew the mightiest tree and it is ready. Be patient for all will share in this gift!"

Tarsur was confused by this. He asked, "Great Pirkwe, I thought creation was for me?"

The Pirkwe then replied, "My son, You are Creation's Shepherd, you grow and harvest it, only."

The other Rena were overjoyed at this great gift, but Tarsur was not. Tarsur said, "Then I will destroy them when they come, for Vreathe is not for them! It is for me!"

The Rena grew silent, and The Pirkwe stopped smiling. He then raised his hands and with a Golden Decree, he said: "The worlds you create are not for you. They are for my golden children, only. When they come and if they go, then I will be forced to bring the universe low!"

The Pirkwe then went back to his throne, at this moment he was no longer known as the Great Creator. To the Rena, he became Silnos the Silent Watcher. He said the next time he stands, everything will end.
- Song of the Rena 1:36

The Path of Darkness

Tarsur was angry that his countless billions of years of work was on something that was never for him. What Tarsur was actually angry about was that he was creating his own people for the World of Vreathe, but that was now to be delayed. He sought ways to stop the golden people from arriving on Vreathe.

Tarsur went out into the void, far from any light of creation. There he found the Pireiyu, those that refused the gift of creation. The only thing these gods knew was annihilation. Tarsur is a god of Order, but he sought to learn the ways of Chaos. The Pireiyu initially wanted nothing to do with Tarsur, but he told them what their true purpose was and what Silnos intended all along, which angered many of them. They agreed to give Tarsur the knowledge of how to destroy.


Author's Notes

  • Next Myth article I write will probably be about how Tarsur decieved the Rena into going to war with each other, but that's for another time...

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    Aug 20, 2024 06:51 by Lia Felis

    It is a beautiful and easy-to-read article. Thank you!

    Aspiring fantasy writer and part-time Dungeon Master. Dragon Goddess of Evera.