
  • Level
    • Name- (Cost) Effect/Description (Prerequiste)
      • User Dice Pool vs. Opposing Dice Pool; Duration
  • 1st Level:
    • Heightened Senses- (Free) The vampire can add their Auspex rating to their perception checks. Having the power activated for long periods might require the use of Willpower.
      • Until Deactivated
    • Sense the Unseen- (Free) The vampire can detect things that are supernaturally invisible, like Obfuscate users, ghosts, or dormant Blood Sorcery spells.
      • Wits/Resolve + Auspex; Passive
  • 2nd Level:
    • Premonition- (Free or One Rouse Check) The vampire can receive visions and hints about what is about to happen. The Storyteller may activate this power passively with no cost, when used actively the user must make a Rouse Check.
      • Resolve + Auspex; Passive
    • Obeah/Panacea- (One Rouse Check) Soothes the psychological turmoil of the vampire's subject. Heals Willpower and calms nerves. (Fortitude 1)
      • Composure + Auspex
    • Unerring Pursuit- (One Rouse Check) Creates a supernatural bond between the vampire and a target, allowing them to view glimpses of their victim in a reflective surface over the course of a night or more. (Dominate 1)
      • Resolve + Auspex; One night plus one for each success
    • Reveal Temperament- (One Rouse Check) Smell the Resonance of a target and/or if Dyscrasia is present. When used on Kindred this reveals information about their last feed.
      • Intelligence + Auspex vs. Composure + Subterfuge; One scene
    • Oculus Arcane- (One Rouse Check) With the abilities of their enhanced senses and the insightful magic of Blood Magic the user of this power is able to detect and scrutinize unseen magical energies with their heightened senses. Some perceive this as scents, others as harmonic notes, the term "Oculus" is a bit of a misnomer but a testament to the pretension of person who implemented the skill as a way to combat the magics of other vampires. (Blood Sorcery 1; Taste of Blood)
      • Resolve + Auspex; One Scene or until deactivated
    • Sense Vitality- (One Rouse Check) With a glance, the user can instantaneously read a target’s physical or spiritual vital markers. They may learn how much damage a target has incurred or what manner of being they are. (Fortitude 1)
      • Intelligence + Auspex; One turn or Storyteller’s discretion
  • 3rd Level:
    • Scry the Soul- (One Rouse Check) The vampire can read auras. This can either be used on a single target or a crowd.
      • Intelligence + Auspex vs. Composure + Subterfuge; One turn
    • Share the Senses- (One Rouse Check) The vampire can sense through the senses of another kindred or mortal. Sense the Unseen can allow the user to be noticed by the victim.
      • Resolve + Auspex; One scene
    • The Eyes of Beasts- (One Rouse Check) The vampire can share the senses of animals, to see and hear what they do. This power works through groups of animals. (Animalism 2)
    • Fatal Flaw- (One Rouse Check) Find the weakness of a target. It can be defended against with Composure for mental weaknesses or with Stamina for physical. (Oblivion 1)
      • Intelligence + Auspex vs. Composure/Stamina + Subterfuge; One scene
    • Animal Courier- (One Rouse Check) Thanks to a deeper understanding, the vampire’s perception becomes attuned with the minds of the animals they command, allowing them to communicate without words. Practitioners of this power are known for imprinting mental messages that the animals can later deliver. (Animalism 1)
      • Passive
    • Reflected Senses- (One Rouse Check in addition to the cost of the power reflected) It's a common belief among vampires that Auspex doesn't work through cameras. It's not just about literal seeing, after all; one of the main draws of Auspex is that it can detect things that mere eyes cannot. There's a certain sort of correspondence between a person and a photograph of that person, which an Auspex-user with the right training can learn to exploit.
      • As power reflected
    • Silicon Eyes- (One or Two Rouse Checks)This power lets a vampire borrow the eyes and ears of electronic devices. They can see what a camera sees, hear what a microphone hears, and even get information from stranger sensors, such as a motion detector or tripwire. However, they're limited to gathering information. This power normally requires line of sight to initiate. However, it can be used at any distance on a device specifically marked with the vampire's Blood. This marking requires one Rouse Check and lasts for one week from the time of application.
      • Resolve + Auspex; One scene
  • 4th Level:  
    • Spirit's Touch- (One Rouse Check) The vampire can touch an inanimate object to sense the emotional residue from when the object was last used, or the ground of their present location from past visitors.
      • Intelligence + Auspex; One turn
    • Mnemosyne- (One Rouse Check) This power allows Kindred to investigate the memories of others. By touching someone and focusing on a place and/or time, the vampire can enter a Memoriam based on the memory of that person, as long as they can keep full, uninterrupted attention. If the memory has been tampered with by supernatural means, the vampire sees the edited version, such as parts affected by Cloud Memory becoming foggy, or seeing the events caused by The Forgetful Mind. (Dominate 3)
      • Resolve+Auspex vs Intelligence+Resolve, Intelligence+Dominate; One Scene
    • The Feather's Flight- (One Rouse Check) After learning to perceive the auras projected from the human soul, some Kindred develop this ability further, learning to track these auras backward through time. With this power active, traces of auras appear as shimmering trails of light weaving through the air. (Scry the Soul)
      • Resolve + Auspex; One Scene
  • 5th Level:
    • Clairvoyance- (One Rouse Check) The vampire can gather information from an entire city-block at once.
      • Intelligence + Auspex; Few minutes up to one night
    • Possession- (Two Rouse Checks) The vampire can take over the body of a mortal. This power does not give the ability to read the target's mind, use their skills or impersonate them. (Dominate 3)
      • Resolve + Auspex vs. Resolve + Intelligence; Until ended
    • Telepathy- (One Rouse Check (one Willpower on non-consenting vampires)) The vampire can project their thoughts into the mind of another kindred or mortal or read surface level thoughts and emotions.
      • Resolve + Auspex vs. Wits + Subterfuge; One minute per rouse or full scene on consenting subject
    • Unburdening the Bestial Soul- (Two Rouse Checks, One Stain) Shares the vampire's own sense of moral peace of mind with another Kindred willing to repent of their sins. (Dominate 3; Obeah/Panacea)
      • Composure + Auspex; One session


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